Runtime interpolation of environment variables in records using profunctors.
This library handles interpolation of variables nested within types using profunctors. This is helpful if you want to store some information as templated JSON and inject variables at runtime.
Heavily influenced by Opaleye's use of profunctors, and Yaml's use of environment variable substitution.
NOTE Basic and ADT examples available.
Define your records like this:
withUninterpolated [d|
data Foo = Foo
{ _fooA :: Text
, _fooB :: Int
, _fooC :: Bool
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
The following polymorphic type and synonyms are generated for you (or you can write similar ones yourself if you like):
-- Generated!
data Foo' a b c = Foo
{ _fooA :: a
, _fooB :: b
, _fooC :: c
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type UninterpolatedFoo = Foo' (Uninterpolated Text) (Uninterpolated Int) (Uninterpolated Bool)
type Foo = Foo' Text Int Bool
Derive JSON encoders:
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Foo'
Add your Default
instance and adaptor:
makeAdaptorAndInstance "pFoo" ''Foo'
Now define your Interpolator
(this part is optional since you will have the Default
fooInterpolator :: Interpolator UninterpolatedFoo Foo
fooInterpolator = def
Define the interpolation layer:
-- make sure you define these environment variables!
uninterpolatedStr :: ByteString
uninterpolatedStr = "{\"a\": \"_env:foo\", \"b\": \"_env:bar\", \"c\": \"_env:baz\" }"
uninterpolated :: IO UninterpolatedFoo
uninterpolated = either fail pure $ eitherDecodeStrict' uninterpolatedStr
interpolated :: IO Foo
interpolated = either (fail . show) pure =<< interpolateWithContextExplicit fooInterpolator =<< uninterpolated
Run it:
➜ examples git:(v1) ✗ stack ghci
λ → interpolated
*** Exception: user error ([Interpolation key "foo" not found,Interpolation key "bar" not found,Interpolation key "baz" not found])
λ → :q
Leaving GHCi.
➜ examples git:(v1) ✗ foo=foo bar=1 baz=true stack ghci
λ → interpolated
Foo {a = "foo", b = 1, c = True}
That's it!
- How do I use sum types?
Redefine your ADTs like this:
data Bar' a b
= Bar1 a
| Bar2 b
| Bar3
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type UninterpolatedBar = Bar' (Uninterpolated Text) (Uninterpolated Int)
type Bar = Bar' Text Int
Then use makeInterpolatorSumInstance
from Data.Interpolation.TH
makeInterpolatorSumInstance ''Bar'
- What does it mean if I have "No instance for Default Profunctor a b"?
Check your types and type synonyms. You should always be interpolating from an uninterpolated
type to an interpolated one. Typically the compiler will be clever enough to figure out exactly
which type breaks down the instance construction. If you get stuck, try being explicit about pinning
the Default
instance as we did above with fooInterpolator
Feel free to contact us on fpslack (@dfithian, @mprescot, @hkailahi), create an issue. Contributions welcome!