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Kyocera Address Book Tool

Kyocera Address Book tool or kyocera-ab-tool is an interractive CLI application written in Go to facilitate the creation and maintainence of Kyocera scanner address books and their OneTouchKeys (scanner shortcuts).

I wrote this tool to get a feel for Go, take advantage of Go's portability and the Go Gopher is also pretty cute. This tool creates XML files to be imported into Kyocera scanners via the Kyocera Net Viewer tool.


Download the release for your target OS and extract the folder to your desired location. Use cmd.exe and navigate to the extracted folder and run the executable.


add_user        : add user to the current table. Fields must be separated by commas
clear_table     : clears all users from the current table
create_table    : creates new table and sets it to the current table
delete_table    : deletes the specified table
delete_user     : delete a single user from the current table
exit            : exits the program
export_table    : exports the current table to an xml file in the Address Books directory
import_csv      : import users from csv file into current table
list_tables     : list all tables
show_users      : show all the users in the current table
switch_table    : switch the current table
update_user     : update user in the current table. Fields must be separated by commas


This application uses these great libraries

  • go-sqlite3 -- Go SQLite3 driver
  • readline -- Pure Go implementation of Readline for user input
  • table -- Go CLI table generator
  • xgo -- CGO Cross Compiler

Known Issues

  • Kyocera Net Viewer seems to only be for Windows but the there are binaries for Linux
  • The tool has libraries that use CGO so the application cannot be compiled for Windows using the Go build tool so a cross-compilation tool is necessary.
  • Running the application on Windows Powershell causes a weird graphical glitch but the application is fully functional.


Kyocera Address Book Creation Tool written in Go







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