This repository contains a ReactJS-based Video Player that utilizes HTML5 Canvas for rendering video and audio features. The assignment is divided into two parts, each focusing on different functionalities.
Take video file as an input:
- Users can input a video file through the provided UI.
Display video metadata:
- Display video metadata, including duration, on the user interface.
Display video on the screen:
- Render the selected video on the screen using the HTML5 Canvas element.
Play/Pause functionality:
- Implement a play/pause button in the middle of the video container.
- The video should play or pause on clicking the button.
Detect audio presence:
- Ensure the uploaded video has audio before allowing the upload.
Display audio waveform:
- If audio is present, display the waveform in a box below the video.
- Used wavesurfer.js options and events inorder to play it with sync of video.
- Host the code on a platform like Vercel:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd frontend-internship-assignment
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server:
npm start