- NOTE that this has nothing to do with web galleries - picasagallery sees only the local filesystem.
Picasagallery is a keyboard (remote) controlled local picture browser similiar to mythgallery of mythtv, but aware of extra Picasa metadata found in .picasa.ini files. This enables you to navigate and filter the images by Age, Albums, People, Stars, Tags and so on.
Behind picasagallery is a Picasa.pm library for understanding Exif and .picasa.ini metadata into a perl hash object. This can be used for other things like merging pictures and their metadata, see examples for sample code.
This is "works-for-me" ware - it may not work for you. It was sort of a quick hack to see if this could even be done. It is slowly being deprecated and replaced by a full rewrite now split out to:
https://github.com/twitham1/LPDB LPDB replaces the in memory database with a SQLite database to reduce the memory footprint and enable arbitrary queries. Its bin/lpgallery replaces the Tk interface with a Prima one with more features including variable thumnail size.
I never added tests and cleaned up the code to make this good enough to submit to CPAN. I will likely not bother until LPDB is closer to production and submit that instead. So to run picasagallery you can install from this source:
dzil install
or grab the latest .tar.gz build from my working directory:
and install as usual:
tar zxvf picasagallery-0.1.tar.gz
cd picasagallery-0.1
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
Now cd to the root of a directory with some pictures, ideally managed by Picasa (but optional), and run picasagallery. Answer yes to the prompt and it should begin caching picture metadata and present the browser. See picasagallery(1) manual page for more.