Fuby is a hybrid functional/object-oriented programming language with the same syntax as Ruby, although pretty different semantics in many aspects.
It targets the Rubinius VM, so you need to install Rubinius to run it.
It is just an idea for now. Some of its features might or might not be:
- Pervasive immutability
- Controlled IO
- Methods as first-class functions
- [Some] laziness
- Monads
Keep checking this repository for new ideas, code examples and so on :)
Fuby starts out as a fully compliant Ruby interpreter, and as I develop more and more, its semantics will differ more and more from Ruby, normally in backwards incompatible ways. Here's what's implemented for now:
All strings are instances of Fuby::String, which is an immutable kind of String.
Variables cannot be reassigned a different value.
a = 3
a = 5 # will raise a Fuby::CompileError
Pattern matching is implemented in case
statements. If you want to match in
the old ruby style, with procs or regexes or classes, you still can:
case 1
when Integer
# => 3
But the interesting part is matching predicates that will bind variables
inside the when
case 1
when x.odd?
x + 2
# => 3
And the best is that it works with any destructurable sequence. And you can
ignore a certain value with _
case [100, 2, :foo]
when Integer, x.even?, _
x + 1
# => 3
After installing Rubinius, install Fuby as a gem:
$ gem install fuby
$ fuby my_program.fb
This was made by Josep M. Bach (Txus) under the MIT license. I'm @txustice on twitter (where you should probably follow me!).