ConnexPay is a credit card payment processing provider.
Here is a short example:
let logf msg = Text.putStrLn ("Connexpay log: " <> msg) cc = CreditCard ... amount = Money @USD 5.00 vendor = Just "Best vendor out there" httpmgr <- tlsManager pay <- initConnexpay logf httpmgr deviceGuid cpHost True login password runConnexpay pay $ do sale <- authorisePayment cc amount vendor capturePayment sale.paymentGuid
For more information, see Haddock docs.
NOTE: ‘PaymentError’ type isn’t used yet, but it will after more testing. Connexpay test environment doesn’t seem to report errors adequately.
This repo provides a command line tool to quickly test the API. You can run it with stack run
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml auth CARDNUMBER "NAME" MMYY CVV SUM
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml capture SALEGUID
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml void-auth AUTHONLYGUID
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml void-sale SALEGUID
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml void-sale SALEGUID SUM
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml cancel SALEGUID
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml return SALEGUID
stack run -- -c ./config.yaml return SALEGUID SUM
Configuration file must include the values provided to you by Connexpay:
login: <login> password: <password> device_guid: <device guid> host: <hostname> use_tls: true # Whether or not to use TLS connection proxy_host: # Optional, if you want to proxy your requests for debugging purposes proxy_port: 8080
Credit card sales API: