This plugin integrates a full-text search for your website. It is based on lunr.js. The development of the first version has been sponsored by vodaris.
Just activate the plugin and it will add a search field to your website (depending on your theme). The plugin does not require any third-party-software like Google Search or Algolia. Instead it includes the JavaScript search library lunr.js and generate a full-text search index on the fly.
Found a bug? Or do you want to contribute some improvements? You can find the repository on . Create a pull request or open a new issue if you found a bug.
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- Removed shortcodes from search index
- Fixed icon in search button
- updated lunr.js to version 2.3.9.
- Added search icon instead of "GO".
- Added translations in the plugin settings.
- Close button is now fixed to the searchresult-container.
- Markdown tags are stripped out from search index now (as far as possible).
- The snippets in the search results now contain the first occurency of the search term.
- The found search terms are now highlighted in the title and the snippets.
- Optimization for other languages are now implemented.
- Search starts with return key.