Tested locally on x86_64 GNU/Linux
with scalaVersion = 2.12.6
, sbtVersion = 1.1.4
. Readme generated on 2019-03-17.
Dataflow algorithm with a simple functional interface.
Allows the user to construct (cyclic) directed graphs of mutually interdependent values in declarative fashion, and then query the results of a converging fixpoint iteration as if they are "already there".
Mostly for dataflow algorithms on bounded semilattices as they are often found in parser generators and compilers, e.g. for analyzing grammars, type inference, liveness analysis etc.
The following minimal example implements Heron's method for computing square root of 1764
// initialize empty flow context, import combinators
val ctx = FlowContext.empty
import ctx._
// define system of equations with mutually dependent variables
lazy val a: Flow[Double] = accumulator(delay(a), 1.0) {
(x, y) => (x + 1764 / y) / 2
// just get the result
println(a.get) // prints `42.0`
It uses numeric values instead of the usual posets, but the principle is the same:
- We describe a system of equations (or rather, inequalities) with mutually recursive values (in this case,
depends on itself) - We ask what the solution is, and the algorithm gives us the solution.
Here is an example that shows how we can compute nullability of non-terminal symbols for a context free grammar with left recursion (which would blow up if we attempted to use naive recursion):
/** Provides few simple combinators for describing grammars in a style
* similar to parser combinators. Implements nullablity check using `flow`.
trait Grammar {
sealed trait Lang {
def ~ (other: Lang): Lang = Concat(this, other)
def | (other: Lang): Lang = Choice(List(this, other))
def ? : Lang = Empty | this
def * : Lang = Rep(this)
def + : Lang = this ~ Rep(this)
case object Empty extends Lang
case class SingleCharacter(c: Char) extends Lang
def just(c: Char): Lang = SingleCharacter(c)
case class Concat(a: Lang, b: Lang) extends Lang
case class Choice(langs: List[Lang]) extends Lang {
override def | (other: Lang) = Choice(other :: langs)
case class Rep(a: Lang) extends Lang
/** Wrapper for right-hand sides of mutually recursive definitions */
class Named(val name: String, thunk: () => Lang) extends Lang {
lazy val instantiated: Lang = thunk()
def named(name: String)(l: => Lang) = new Named(name, () => l) {
override def toString = name
private val flowContext = FlowContext.empty
def isNullable(l: Lang): Boolean = isNullableFlows(l).get
import flowContext._
import flow.util.memoize
private lazy val isNullableFlows = memoize[Lang, Flow[Boolean]] {
memF => lang =>
lang match {
case Empty => pure(true)
case SingleCharacter(_) => pure(false)
case Concat(a, b) => accumulator(
delay { map2(memF(a), memF(b))(_ && _)},
)(_ || _).withTracingName("Concat(" + a + ", " + b + ")")
case Choice(langs) => accumulator(
langs.map(l => delay { memF(l) }).toSet,
(old, changes) => changes.foldLeft(old)(_ || _)
}.withTracingName("Choice(" + langs.mkString(",") + ")")
case Rep(_) => pure(true)
case n: Named => accumulator(
delay { memF(n.instantiated) },
)(_ || _).withTracingName(n.name)
// concrete example
object G1 extends Grammar {
lazy val s: Lang = named("S"){ s ~ a | b }
lazy val a: Lang = named("A"){ just('a').? | c }
lazy val b: Lang = named("B"){ just('b').? }
lazy val c: Lang = named("C"){ just('c') | just('C') }
import G1._
The full example with the grammar is included as a test case in test/scala
Sometimes, the constraints have much better compositionality properties than the solutions:
- The fixed point (the result of converging iteration) does not have any good compositional properties at all, e.g. you can't define it by a top-down recursion as if it were some kind of "semantics" for some formulas.
- The constraints (system of inequalities) are nicely composable (essentially an