The application is a RESTful Rails API that stores and serves user and pet information using JSON for a React front-end deployed here. The API endpoints are deployed here. The app is designed to create connections between pet owners and pet adopters, by allowing adopters to 'like' or 'nope' a series of pets.
- Ruby 2.4.1
- Rails 5.2.1
- PostgreSQL
If you'd like to contribute or run our test suite, run through the following commands:
- Clone this application:
git clone
cd PetPicker
- Run Bundle to install the gemfile:
bundle install
bundle update
- Create and seed the database:
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
- Run the test suite:
If you would like to consume our data these are the following endpoints that are available:
All endpoints begin with:
POST /users
Creates a user with params:
{user: {name: "bob", password: "1234", description: "I like puppies", pic: "", role:adopter}}
Role is an enum including owner and adopter. Anything other than owner will create an adopter
PATCH /users/:id
- Updats a user with the same params
GET /users
- Logs in a user by checking a password against a secure hashed database with params:
{name: "bob, password: "1234"}
DELETE /users/:id
- updates the user
POST /users/:id/pets
- creates a pet with params:
{pet: {name: "fido", species:"dog", description: "I'm a puppy", pic: ""}}
GET /users/:id/pets
- Gets up to 10 pets that the user has not seen before
GET /users/:id/matches
- Gets 'matches' - for an owner, this is the adopters that have likes their pets
for an adopter, this is the pets that they have liked and the owner has matched them for
POST /users/:user_id/matches/:match_id
- An adopter changes the connection with an adopter from a 'like' to a 'match'
POST /users/:id/connections
- adopter like a pet with params:
{pet_id: 1}
DELETE /users/:id/connections
- adopter nopes a pet with same params.