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Conversational Image Editing

Getting Started

To start the system website, you will need

  1. Conversational Image Editing(this repo)
  2. EditmeTagger(NLU)
  3. MongoDB(for session and logging purposes)


Create a conda environment and setup with the necessary packages

# Creates a conda environment named "cie" in python3.5
conda create -n cie python=3.5
conda activate cie
pip install --uprade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install -c menpo opencv3 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
import nltk'stopwords')

Start service

After starting EditmeTagger and MongoDB on localhost (sudo service mongod start), run the following command to start the service. Current config uses Rule-based Policy. Note: If you plan to use EC2 instance, create a security group that allows all incoming traffic to TCP port 2000.



  • Evaluation

    • Set maximum number of turns, or execution
    • Customize goal index instead of random sampling
    • Record selected policy
  • User Interface

    • Debug gesture_click on object location image
    • object_mask_str user input should remove system queries
    • Display turn count
  • Photoshop

    • Optimize image processing, this is the current bottleneck