#Self-updater for uTox downloads signed updates from dl.utox.org
#How it works
Builds are made locally and signed with libsodium's crypto_sign_ed25519() and my secret signing key then uploaded to dl.utox.org
Updater reads the latest version (dl.utox.org/version), if it already has this version it skips to last step
Downloads dl.utox.org/OSARCH-latest over http (ex: win64-latest for windows 64 bit)
Uses libsodium's crypto_sign_ed25519_open() using my public signing key (88905F2946BE7C4BBDECE467149C1D7848F4BC4FEC1AD1AD6F97786EFEF3CDA1) to verify the build
Checks the 4 byte timestamp to verify that the build is not expired (1 week)
Decompresses the build, writes it to a file
Run the file
#Adding and modifiying resources
- The resource.rc file contains the main dialog definition, default icon, and mainfest that enables visual styles.
- Use ResEdit to open and modify it.
- requires mingw-w64
- requires libsodium 1.0.0 (github, binary releases)
- on windows use build.bat
- on linux use build.sh
- Remove libsodium dependency