The sequential B-tree (SBtree) efficiently stores data in a B-tree structure that is inserted in sorted order. Inserts are buffered and require no searching in the tree. Queries can typically be performed with less than 4 page reads depending on memory size. The SBtree uses a minimal amount of memory for use with embedded systems. Key features:
- Uses only two page buffers for performing all operations. The memory usage is less than 1.5 KB for 512 byte pages.
- Optimized performance for sequential data such as time series data.
- No use of dynamic memory (i.e. malloc()). All memory is pre-allocated at creation of the tree.
- Efficient insert (put) and query (get) of arbitrary key-value data. Ability to search data on key.
- Support for iterator to traverse data in sorted order.
- Easy to use and include in existing projects.
- Open source license. Free to use for commerical and open source projects.
- test_sbtree.c - test file demonstrating how to get, put, and iterate through data in index
- sbtree.h, sbtree.c - implementation of sequential B-tree structure supporting arbitrary key-value data items
- dbbuffer.h, dbbuffer.c - provides buffering of pages in memory
- fileStorage.h, fileStorage.c - support for file based storage including on SD cards
- memStorage.h, memStorage.c - support for raw memory (NOR/NAND) storage
- storage.h - generic storage interface
/* Configure file-based storage. RAW flash memory storage is also possible. */
fileStorageState *storage = (fileStorageState*) malloc(sizeof(fileStorageState));
storage->fileName = (char*) "myfile.bin";
if (fileStorageInit((storageState*) storage) != 0)
printf("Error: Cannot initialize storage!\n");
/* Configure buffer */
dbbuffer *buffer = (dbbuffer*) malloc(sizeof(dbbuffer));
buffer->pageSize = 512;
uint16_t M = 10;
buffer->numPages = M;
buffer->status = (id_t*) malloc(sizeof(id_t)*M);
buffer->buffer = malloc((size_t) buffer->numPages * buffer->pageSize);
buffer->storage = (storageState*) storage;
/* Configure SBTree state */
sbtreeState *state = (sbtreeState*) malloc(sizeof(sbtreeState));
state->recordSize = 16;
state->keySize = 4;
state->dataSize = 12;
state->buffer = buffer;
state->tempKey = malloc(sizeof(int32_t));
/* Initialize SBTree structure */
/* keyPtr points to key to insert. dataPtr points to associated data value. */
sbtreePut(state, (void*) keyPtr, (void*) dataPtr);
/* keyPtr points to key to search for. dataPtr must point to pre-allocated space to copy data into. */
int8_t result = sbtreeGet(state, (void*) keyPtr, (void*) dataPtr);
/* Iterator with filter on keys */
sbtreeIterator it;
int32_t *itKey, *itData;
uint32_t minKey = 1, maxKey = 1000;
it.minKey = &minKey;
it.maxKey = &maxKey;
sbtreeInitIterator(state, &it);
while (sbtreeNext(state, &it, (void**) &itKey, (void**) &itData))
/* Process record */