This package was designed to parse HTML 5 files for Brilliant Template. However, it can also be used independently.
Attention, this package uses IBM HTML Entities: This package will be replaced by the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat Sheet.
- Add XSS prevention cheat sheet by OWASP:
First step: create a new directory with this files:
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "MyTest",
targets: [],
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0)
exclude: []
import Foundation
import BrilliantHTML5Parser
var data: [String: Any] = [
"title": "This is the title",
"welcome": "this is your first example!!",
"more": "and you can do a lot of stuff",
"buttonColor": "btn-blue btn-sm btn"
let URLINDEX = ""
if let url = URL(string: URLINDEX) {
var html = try String(contentsOf: url)
print("Input HTML:")
let parser = ParserHTML5(html: html)
while let item = parser.root.getNextTid() {
if let val = data[item["tid"]!] {
item.addNode(node: TextHTML(text: val as! String))
item["tid"] = nil
while let item = parser.root.getNextAid() {
if let val = data[item["aid"]!] {
item["class"] = val as! String
item["aid"] = nil
Second step: build the project
swift package generate-xcodeproj
Open the Xcode project, select the correct scheme and run!
let parser = ParserHTML5()
let html = TagHTML(tagName: "html")
let head = TagHTML(tagName: "head")
let body = TagHTML(tagName: "body")
let div = TagHTML(tagName: "div")
div["dupl"] = "3"
html["lang"] = "en"
head.addNode(node: TagHTML(tagName: "title", content: "Welcome title!!"))
body.addNode(node: TagHTML(tagName: "h1", content: "Welcome!"))
body.addNode(node: div)
// Add nodes
html.addNode(node: head)
html.addNode(node: body)
parser.root.addNode(node: html)
// Now print result.
You will get this (but you won't see it tabbed)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Welcome title!!</title>
<div dupl="3"></div>
If you'd like to have a tabbed result, please feel free to request this feature in ISSUES.
let parser = ParserHTML5(html: "somehtmlhere with a div with attribute dupl")
if let div = parser.root.getNextNodeWithAtt(att: "dupl") {
// first comment the div with att dupl=3
div.parentNode?.addNode(node: CommentHTML(comment: div.toHTML))
// Delete the node.
div.parentNode = nil
} else {
print("The HTML doesnt contains a div with an attribute named *dupl*")