is a PHP library that allows you to publish content to Apple News. You can also retrieve and delete articles you’ve already published, and get basic information about your channel and sections.
is a PHP library that helps construct documents in the Apple News JSON format.
composer require chapter-three/apple-news-api
git clone
cd AppleNewsAPI
curl -sS | php
./composer.phar install
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document;
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document\Components\Body;
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document\Layouts\Layout;
use ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\Document\Styles\ComponentTextStyle;
$obj = new Document(uniqid(), 'title', 'en', new Layout(7, 1024));
$obj->addComponent(new Body('body text'))
->addComponentTextStyle('default', new ComponentTextStyle());
$json = $obj->json();
$api_key_id = "";
$api_key_secret = "";
$endpoint = "https://endpoint_url";
$PublisherAPI = new ChapterThree\AppleNewsAPI\PublisherAPI(
// Fetches information about a channel.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/channels/{channel_id}',
'channel_id' => CHANNEL_ID
// Fetches a list of all sections for a channel.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/channels/{channel_id}/sections',
'channel_id' => CHANNEL_ID
// Fetches information about a single section.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/sections/{section_id}',
'section_id' => SECTION_ID
// Fetches an article.
$response = $PublisherAPI->get('/articles/{article_id}',
'article_id' => ARTICLE_ID
// Publishes a new article to a channel.
// $response contains an article ID and revision ID.
$response = $PublisherAPI->post('/channels/{channel_id}/articles',
'channel_id' => CHANNEL_ID
// List of files to POST
'files' => [], // optional. A list of article assets [uri => path]
// JSON metadata string
'metadata' => $metadata, // required
'json' => '', // required. Apple News Native formatted JSON string.
// Metadata information `revision` is required.
$metadata = json_encode([
'data' => [
'revision' => REVISION_ID
// Updates an existing article.
// See $response variable to get a new revision ID.
$response = $PublisherAPI->post('/articles/{article_id}',
'article_id' => ARTICLE_ID
// List of files to POST
'files' => [], // optional. A list of article assets [uri => path]
// JSON metadata string
'metadata' => $metadata, // required
// Apple News Native formatted JSON string. See examples.
'json' => '', // required.
// Deletes an article.
$response = $PublisherAPI->delete('/articles/{article_id}',
'article_id' => ARTICLE_ID
./vendor/bin/phpunit -v --colors=auto --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php tests
To test PublisherAPI GET/POST/DELETE methods use the following pattern:
./vendor/bin/phpunit -v --colors=auto --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php
git clone --branch gh-pages ../AppleNewsAPI_phpdoc
./vendor/bin/phpdoc run --title='chapter-three/apple-news-api v'$(cat composer.json | jq -r '.version') -d ./ -i vendor/,tests/ -t ../AppleNewsAPI_phpdoc