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Concepts: external list API

Eugene Lazutkin edited this page May 27, 2024 · 2 revisions

This document contains the API for the list-toolkit library.


ExtList, ExtSList, ExtValueList, ExtValueSList are all objects used to manipulate external lists. External lists are defined as a data structure that is a circular doubly or singly linked list. Unlike List or SList, they do not have a header node. Essentially ExtList, ExtSList and their value-based versions are similar to pointers and can point to any node in the list.

It is possible to have several external lists pointing to the same list, even the same node. Of course, it is subject of possible invalidation rules similar to pointers. See Concepts: pointers for details.

Generic inspection API

This API is modelled after the corresponding Concepts: list API.

Method Description Complexity ExtList ExtSList
constructor(head = null, options) create a new list O(1)
isNodeLike(node) check if a node is compatible with this list O(1)
isCompatible(list) check if a list is compatible with this list O(1)
isCompatibleNames(options) check if two lists have compatible link names O(1)
isCompatiblePtr(ptr) check if a pointer is compatible with this list O(1)
isCompatibleRange(range) check if a range is compatible with this list O(1)
isEmpty check if the list is empty O(1)
isOne check if the list has only one node O(1)
isOneOrEmpty check if the list has only one node or it is empty O(1)
head actual pointer to a list node or null O(1)
front get the first node (an alias to head) O(1)
back get the last node O(1)
range get the range of the list O(1)
ptrRange get the pointer range of the list O(1)
getLength() get the length of the list O(n)

head, front, back, range and ptrRange can return null if the external list is unattached. The external list is empty if head is null. Otherwise, the external list is never empty.

Head manipulation API

Method Description Complexity ExtList ExtSList
attach(head) attach an external circular list O(1)
detach() detach the list O(1)

Helper methods API

Helper methods

This API is modelled after the corresponding Concepts: list API.

Method Description Complexity ExtList ExtSList
makePtr(node) create a new pointer O(1)
makePtrFromPrev(prev) create a new pointer from its previous node O(1)
adoptNode(node) adopt a node O(1)
adoptValue(value) adopt a value by creating a value node O(1)
normalizeNode(node) normalize a node O(1)
normalizeRange(range) normalize a range O(1)
normalizePtrRange(range) normalize a pointer range O(1)
syncPrev() synchronize the reference of the previous node O(n)

Pointer-like API

This API is modelled after the corresponding Concepts: pointers.

Method Description Complexity ExtList ExtSList
isPrevNodeValid() return a boolean value indicating whether the previous node is available O(1)
next() move the pointer to the next node O(1)
prev() move the pointer to the previous node O(1)
removeCurrent() remove the node the pointer points to O(1)
addBefore(value) insert a value/node before the current one O(1)
addAfter(value) insert a value/node after the current one O(1)
addNodeBefore(node) insert a node before the current one O(1)
addNodeAfter(node) insert a node after the current one O(1)
insertBefore(extList) insert a compatible list before the current node O(1)
insertAfter(extList) insert a compatible list after the current node O(1)

Additional pointer-like API

Method Description Complexity ExtList ExtSList
removeNodeBefore(node) remove a node before the current one O(1)
removeNodeAfter(node) remove a node after the current one O(1)
moveBefore(node) move a node before the current one O(1)
moveAfter(node) move a node after the current one O(1)

List-like API

This API is modelled after the corresponding Concepts: list API.

Method Description Complexity ExtList ExtSList
clear(drop) clear the list
clear(false) clear the list O(1)
clear(true) clear the list and isolate nodes O(n)
removeNode(node) remove a node O(1) ✔*
removeRange(range, drop) remove a range ✔*
removeRange(range, false) remove a range O(1) ✔*
removeRange(range, true) remove a range and isolate nodes O(k) ✔*
extractRange(range) extract a range O(1) ✔*
extractBy(condition) extract nodes by a condition O(n)
reverse() reverse the list O(n)
sort(lessFn) sort the list O(n log n)

Iteration API

This API is modelled after the corresponding Concepts: list API.

Method Description Complexity List SList
[Symbol.iterator]() get a default iterator O(1)
getIterator(range = {}) get an iterator O(1)
getValueIterator(range = {}) get a value iterator O(1)
getNodeIterator(range = {}) get a node iterator O(1)
getPtrIterator(range = {}) get a pointer iterator O(1)
getReverseIterator(range = {}) get a reverse iterator O(1)
getReverseValueIterator(range = {}) get a reverse value iterator O(1)
getReverseNodeIterator(range = {}) get a reverse node iterator O(1)
getReversePtrIterator(range = {}) get a reverse pointer iterator O(1)

Meta helpers API

This API is modeled after the corresponding Concepts: list API.

Method Description Complexity List SList
clone() clone the list O(n)
make() make a new compatible list O(1)
makeFrom(values) make a new compatible list from an iterable O(n)
makeFromRange(range) make a new compatible list from a range O(1)

Static helpers API

This API is modeled after the corresponding Concepts: list API.

Method Description Complexity List SList
from(values, options) make a new list from an iterable O(n)
fromRange(range, options) make a new list from a range O(1)