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Eugene Lazutkin edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 4 revisions

This module provides an adapter for a list so it can be used with a queue-like interface. See the Wikipedia's Queue article for more information.

Legend for tables
  • API

    • value - the value to be stored in the queue
    • values - an iterable that provides values
    • iterator - an Iterator instance or an object with an iterator/iterable protocol
  • Complexity

    • O - complexity of an operation
    • O(1) - constant time
    • O(n) - linear time proportional to the cache size
    • O(log n) - logarithmic time
    • O(k) - linear time proportional to the argument size

This module provides an adapter for a list so it can be used with a queue-like interface. By default it uses ValueList:

import Queue from 'list-toolkit/queue.js';

const queue = new Queue();

Class Queue

The following properties are available:

Member Return type Description O
constructor(underlyingList = new ValueList()) this constructs a new Queue O(k)
isEmpty() boolean checks if the queue is empty O(1)
size number the queue's size O(1)
list list the underlying list O(1)
top value or undefined the queue's top element O(1)
peek() value or undefined the queue's top element O(1)
add(value) this add an element to the queue O(1)
push(value) this an alias for add(value) O(1)
pushBack(value) this an alias for add(value) O(1)
enqueue(value) this an alias for add(value) O(1)
remove() value or undefined remove and return the queue's top element O(1)
pop() value or undefined an alias for remove() O(1)
popFront() value or undefined an alias for remove() O(1)
dequeue() value or undefined an alias for remove() O(1)
addValues(values) this add an array of elements to the queue O(k)
clear() this remove all elements from the queue O(1)
[Symbol.iterator]() iterator return the default iterator starting from the first element O(1)
getReverseIterator() iterator or undefined return the reverse iterator starting from the last element O(1)

constructor(underlyingList) takes any list (DLL or SLL) as an argument. By default, it uses ValueList.

underlyingList can be non-empty. In this case it will be traversed to initialize size, which is an O(n) operation.

top and peek() is the same code packaged as a getter and as a argument-less function. They both assume that a front node has the value property, which is returned as a result. All value-based lists satisfy this requirement. If your nodes don't have value, you can always access the node directly with list.front.

add() and remove() use popFront() and pushBack() respectively. It means that for value-based lists they operate with values, not nodes. For node-based lists they operate with nodes.

If the underlying list is SLL, getReverseIterator() will return undefined.

The implementation supports several traditional queue operation schemas:

  • top and peek()
  • add() and remove()
  • push() and pop()
  • pushBack() and popFront()
  • enqueue() and dequeue()

They are implemented as aliases and do not impose a penalty of thunks.


Queue is exported as Queue and as the default export.

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