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SLL: pointers

Eugene Lazutkin edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

Pointers point to nodes and provide some operations using their node as an anchor point. Singly linked list pointers are very important because they can track a previous node required for many O(1) operations.

This document describes the foundational classes and methods of the implementation of singly linked lists. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the Backgrounder and Concepts: list API first. Facilities that described here are used by lists described in the SLL: lists document.

Legend for tables
  • API
    • options - options object, which contains nextName link name with default value "next".
    • node - a node object in the list
    • head - a node in the external list
    • list - a list object of the same type as the current list
    • ptr - a pointer to a node in the list
    • range - a range of nodes in the list
    • nodeOrPtr - a node or a pointer to a node
    • value - a value
    • values - an iterable that provides values
    • iterator - an Iterator instance or an object with an iterator/iterable protocol
  • Complexity
    • O - complexity of an operation
    • O(1) - constant time
    • O(n) - linear time proportional to the list size
    • O(k) - linear time proportional to the list/range argument size

This module contains the implementation of pointer objects used with the hosted singly linked list.

import Ptr from 'list-toolkit/slist/ptr.js';

The same class is exported by SList module and as SList.Ptr. In most cases users do not need to use this module directly. Usually, pointers are created by the list methods, which are described in the Concepts: list API document.

Class Ptr

Ptr is based on PtrBase and inherits all its properties and methods.

PtrBase reference
Member Return Value Description O
constructor(list, node, prev, ListClass) this Create a new pointer to a node. O(1)
list list The list it belongs to. O(1)
node node The node it points to. O(1)
nextNode node The next node. O(1)
prevNode node The previous node. O(1)
isPrevNodeValid() truthy/falsy Checks if prevNode is valid. O(1)
next() this Move the pointer to the next node. O(1)
prev() this Move the pointer to the previous node. O(1)
syncPrev() this Sync the previous node. O(n)

Ptr adds the following methods:

Member Return Value Description O
constructor(list, node, prev) this Create a new pointer to a node. O(1)
isHead boolean Checks if the pointer points to the head node. O(1)
clone() ptr Create a copy of the pointer. O(1)
removeCurrent() node Remove the current node. O(1)
addBefore(value) ptr Add a new value node before the current node. O(1)
addNodeBefore(node) ptr Add a new node before the current node. O(1)
addAfter(value) ptr Add a new value node after the current node. O(1)
addNodeAfter(node) ptr Add a new node after the current node. O(1)
insertBefore(list) ptr or null Insert a list before the current node. O(1)
insertAfter(list) ptr or null Insert a list after the current node. O(1)

Notes on properties and methods

removeCurrent() removes the current node and moves to the next node.

All addXXX() methods return a new pointer to the newly added node.

All insertXXX() methods return a new pointer to the first node of the inserted list. It can be null if the inserted list is empty.


Ptr is exported as Ptr and as the default export.

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