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SLL: foundation

Eugene Lazutkin edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 1 revision

This document describes the foundational classes and methods of the implementation of singly linked lists. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the Backgrounder and Concepts: list API first.

Legend for tables
  • API
    • options - options object, which contains nextName link name with default value "next".
    • node - a node object in the list
    • head - a node in the external list
    • list - a list object of the same type as the current list
    • ptr - a pointer to a node in the list
    • range - a range of nodes in the list
    • nodeOrPtr - a node or a pointer to a node
    • value - a value
    • values - an iterable that provides values
    • iterator - an Iterator instance or an object with an iterator/iterable protocol
  • Complexity
    • O - complexity of an operation
    • O(1) - constant time
    • O(n) - linear time proportional to the list size
    • O(k) - linear time proportional to the list/range argument size


import {HeadNode} from 'list-toolkit/slist/nodes.js';

Stand-alone functions

Function Return Value Description O
isNodeLike(options, node) truthy/falsy Checks if node is a node-like object. O(1)
isStandAlone(options, node) truthy/falsy Checks if node is a stand-alone node. O(1)
isCompatible(options1, options2) truthy/falsy Checks if options1 and options2 have the same link names. O(1)

Class Node

This class serves as a foundation for utility nodes for singly linked lists.

Member Return Value Description O
constructor(options) this Creates a new node. O(1)
nextName string/symbol The name of the next link. O(1)
[nextName] node The next node. O(1)
isStandAlone() boolean Checks if the node is stand-alone. O(1)

The constructor creates a stand-alone node, which points to itself as the next one.

Class HeadNode

This class represent a head node of the list. Basically it hosts the list itself. It extends Node described above and inherits all its methods and properties. This class is used as the base for singly linked lists.

Member Return Value Description O
last node The last node. O(1)
isNodeLike(node) truthy/falsy Checks if node is a node-like object. O(1)
isCompatibleNames(options) truthy/falsy Checks if options have the same link names. O(1)
isCompatible(list) truthy/falsy Checks if list has the same link names. O(1)
isCompatiblePtr(ptr) truthy/falsy Checks if ptr has the same link names. O(1)
isCompatibleRange(range) truthy/falsy Checks if range has the same link names. O(1)
isEmpty truthy/falsy Checks if the list is empty. O(1)
isOne truthy/falsy Checks if the list has only one node. O(1)
isOneOrEmpty truthy/falsy Checks if the list has only one node or empty. O(1)
head list The list itself. O(1)
front node The first node. O(1)
back node The last node. O(1)
range range The list range from the first to the last node or null if the list is empty. O(1)
getLength() number The number of nodes in the list. O(n)
adoptNode(nodeOrPtr) node Adopt a node. O(1)
adoptValue(value) node Adopt a value. O(1)
normalizeNode(nodeOrPtr) node Normalize a node. O(1)
normalizeRange(range) range Normalize a range. O(1)
syncLast() this Sync the last node. O(n)

adoptNode() is used to verify and transform a node before including it in the list.

If adoptNode() receives a pointer to a node, it dereferences it. The node is checked for compatibility with the list. If it has no required links, it is assumed to be a raw object and the necessary links are created. If it already has the required links, and it is a stand-alone node, it is returned. If an argument cannot be used as a node, an error is thrown.

adoptValue() is an alias of adoptNode() because nodes are values for node-based lists.

normalizeNode() dereferences a possible pointer, checks a node for compatibility with the list and returns the normalized node. If the node is not compatible, an error is thrown.

normalizeRange() dereferences possible pointers and checks range for compatibility with the list. If the range is not compatible, an error is thrown. The returned range is normalized to nodes.

Class ValueNode

This class represents a value node used by value-based lists. It extends Node described above and inherits all its methods and properties.

Member Return Value Description O
constructor(value, options) this Create a new value node with value. O(1)
value any The value of the node. O(1)

The value property can be modified by a user.

Class PtrBase

This class represents a basic pointer to a node in the list. It is used as a base for pointers to singly linked nodes.

Member Return Value Description O
constructor(list, node, prev, ListClass) this Create a new pointer to a node. O(1)
list list The list it belongs to. O(1)
node node The node it points to. O(1)
nextNode node The next node. O(1)
prevNode node The previous node. O(1)
isPrevNodeValid() truthy/falsy Checks if prevNode is valid. O(1)
next() this Move the pointer to the next node. O(1)
prev() this Move the pointer to the previous node. O(1)
syncPrev() this Sync the previous node. O(n)

If prevNode's next node is not node, then some operations are not possible. isPrevNodeValid() can be used to check if prevNode is valid. If it is not, it can be synced (after all it is a circular list), but this operation can be slow.

isPrevNodeValid() can modify prevNode to make it valid if it is trivial to do so.

prev() works only if prevNode is valid. Otherwise it will throw an error. After calling prev() successfully once, prevNode is likely to be invalid. Do not count on an efficient reverse traversal of a singly linked list with prev() method. If you need to traverse the list in reverse order, use a doubly linked list.

It is possible to set a correct prevNode by calling syncPrev(), but it is not recommended because it can be slow (O(n)).

Class ExtListBase

This list points to a node of an external list. It is a pointer-like object. It is used as a base to represent external singly linked lists. Many methods are the same as in HeadNode described above.

Member Return Value Description O
constructor(head, options) this Create a new listing optionally pointing to an external list. O(1)
nextName string/symbol The name of the next property. O(1)
head node or null The external list it points to or null if the list is empty. O(1)
isNodeLike(node) truthy/falsy Checks if node is a node-like object. O(1)
isCompatibleNames(options) truthy/falsy Checks if options have the same link names. O(1)
isCompatible(list) truthy/falsy Checks if list is compatible with the list. O(1)
isCompatiblePtr(ptr) truthy/falsy Checks if ptr is compatible with the list. O(1)
isCompatibleRange(range) truthy/falsy Checks if range has the same link names. O(1)
isEmpty truthy/falsy Checks if the list is empty. O(1)
isOne truthy/falsy Checks if the list has only one node. O(1)
isOneOrEmpty truthy/falsy Checks if the list has only one node or empty. O(1)
front node The first node or null if the list is empty. O(1)
range range The range of the list or null if the list is empty. O(1)
getLength() number The length of the list or 0 if the list is empty. O(n)
getBack() node The last node or null if the list is empty. O(n)
adoptNode(nodeOrPtr) node Adopt a node. O(1)
adoptValue(value) node Adopt a value. O(1)
normalizeNode(nodeOrPtr) node Normalize a node. O(1)
normalizeRange(range) range Normalize a range. O(1)
attach(head) previous head Attach the list to an external list. O(1)
detach() previous head Detach the list from the external list and make it empty. O(1)
next() this Move the pointer to the next node. O(1)

If the list is empty, head is null. If the list has only one node, head is the node.

The constructor without parameters is used to create an empty list with the default options.

The attach() method can accept null to detach the list from the external list. Its only parameter is null by default. Essentially attach() is the same as attach(null) and they both are equivalent to detach().

next() does nothing for empty lists.