Template code repository for the Raspbery Pi Pico used for the CSU23021 course for the Spring semester 2022/2023. Students should clone this repository to their own Git area and use it as the basis to complete their assignment and lab coursework throughout the year.
This repository is setup for use with Visual Studio Code, CMAKE and Doxygen. All build collateral output will be generated under the "build" folder and all Doxygen generated documentation will be generated under the "docs" folder. The repository is structured as follows.
Top-level folder containing skeleton project templates for the three course coding assignments.
Skeleton template for assignment #01.
Skeleton template for assignment #02.
Top level folder containing all example projects.
An assembly-based application that flashes the built-in LED of the Pi Pico board using subroutines with the delay between LED toggles set using a CPU sleep command.
A C-based application that flashes the built-in LED of the Pi Pico board with the delay between LED toggles set using a CPU sleep command.
An assembly-based application that flashes the built-in LED of the Pi Pico board using SVC exception handlers with the delay between LED toggles set using a CPU sleep command.
A C-based application that uses UART0 to print a "Hello World!" message to the console.
A C-based application that uses both CPU cores to calculate factorial and Fibonacci sequences and display the results to the console.
A C-based application that uses PIO to alternately flash the NeoPixel on the MAKER-PI-PICO board red, green then blue in a continuous loop.
Top-level folder containing skeleton project templates for the ten course lab exercises.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #01.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #02.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #03.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #04.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #05.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #06.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #07.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #08.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #09.
Skeleton template for lab exercise #10.