SSH multi-user access to Fossil repos
fossil sqlite3 -R repo "Replace Into user(login, pw, cap) Values('vasya', hex(randomblob(20)), 'g')"
fossil sqlite3 -R repo "Replace Into config(name, value) Values('remote_user_ok', 1)"
export REMOTE_USER=vasya
fossil http repo
Group contains two lists: included users and excluded ones.
In/excluding user to group:
Mode | Syntax |
- | user or +user
- | -user or !user
In/excluding group to group:
Included | Excluded | Syntax |
+ | + | N/A
+ | | +@group
+ | - | @group
| + | +!@group
| | N/A
| - | -!@group
- | + | !@group
- | | -@group
- | - | N/A