A Discord bot to look up stats and information from Planetside 2
The bot can be added to your server with this invite link.
The main event listener for Discord messages is in main.js
, it starts additional listeners in unifiedWSListener.js
which each listen for events from the Daybreak Stream API for a given platform (PC, PS4US, PS4EU). Most commands have their functionality separated into their own files, and utilize async to support high message volume. Database structure is defined in dbStructure.sql
The bot is designed to be simple to use. Once added to your server with the invite link, commands can be viewed with /help
. In order to get the most out of the bot, please grant it the "Read Messages", "Send Messages", "Embed Links", and "Use External Emoji" permissions. In addition for slash commands to display emoji the @everyone role must have the "Use External Emoji" permission granted in that channel, regardless of the bot's permissions.
A .env
file is used for the environment variables, including the Discord Token, Daybreak Census API service ID, Postgres URL (optional). Subscription functionality will be disabled if a database URL is not present. If using Postgres, be sure to load the dbStructure.sql
schema manually before starting the bot.
Your .env
file should look something like this
token = <Discord Token>
clientID = <Discord Client ID>
serviceID = <PS2 Census Service ID>
After initial startup, run node registerCommands.js
once to register the bot's commands with Discord.
To add the bot to your server, use an invite link of the form https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<Discord Client ID>8&permissions=1330192&scope=bot+applications.commands
As of November 2023, bots no longer have access to external emoji in guilds of which they are not members. This means if you are self-hosting, you need to add all necessary emoji to your server. Copies of the emoji are in images/
. Once you have done this, copy static/emoji.json
to static/emoji.local.json
, replace the emoji IDs with the ones from your server, and restart the bot.
For feedback or error reports the best ways to contact are Discord DMs (remainna) or the Auraxis bot Discord server.
Localization of the bot is managed through Crowdin. Please join there and the Discord server listed above to contribute translations.
If you notice a translation error please report it in the support server.
Thank you to the following translators for their contributions!
- Dutch: brakenium
- French: Cleridwen
- German: Gretchen & Kilian
- Korean: AlexKoala
- Russian: Simacrus & Kinderbug
- Spanish: [1ITL] Facer
- Ukranian: Veydzher
There are three main ways to support development:
If you identify a bug, report it in the Discord server. Github issues are not used in development, and are not closely monitored.
If you have experience programming in Node.js and would like to contribute code directly, consider reaching out on the platforms listed above.
Finally, if you would like to contribute financially, there is a Ko-fi associated with this project:
Any support, including just a few kind words, is greatly appreciated!
Returns a list of commands and relevant links.
Returns the details (BR, Score, Server, Outfit, etc.) of the specified character. Supports multiple characters per query.
Returns the stats of the specified character with the specified weapon. If no weapon is entered it will fallback to the information provided by /character.
Returns the BR a character reached before joining ASP, as well as their current ASP points and skills.
Returns a chronological list of a character's Auraxiums. Only 20 are displayed at first, but clicking the "View all" button will show the full list in an ephemeral message.
Returns a chronological list of a character's completed directives. Only 20 are displayed at first, but clicking the "View all" button will show the full list in an ephemeral message.
Returns information about the character's vehicle usage, including play time, kills, roadkills, and top weapon.
Returns the details (Name, owner, faction, server, member count, etc.) of the specified outfit tag. Supports multiple tags per query.
Returns the list of all online members for the specified outfit tag. Supports multiple tags per query.
Returns the population per faction of the specified server.
Returns the territory control of each continent on the specified server.
Returns ongoing alerts for the given server based on information from the ps2alerts api, including time remaining and current territory control.
Returns the specified leaderboard as reported by the Census API.
Return the current status of all servers as reported by the Census API. Takes no parameters.
Returns information on a given weapon. Accepts weapon IDs, exact names, or partial names.
Returns a list of weapon names and ids matching the given search term.
Returns information on given implant. Accepts exact or partial names.
Subscribes the channel to notifications of alerts starting on the specified servers.
Unsubscribes the channel from the above notifications.
Subscribes the channel to notifications of logins and logouts of members in the specified outfit tag.
Unsubscribes the channel from the above notifications.
Subscribes the channel to notifications of bases captured by the specified tag.
Unsubscribes the channel from the above notifications.
Subscribes the channel to notifications of continent unlocks on the specified server.
Unsubscribes the channel from the above notifications.
Unsubscribes the channel from all outfit activity, capture, and server alert notifications.
Displays current subscription configuration options for the channel.
Attempts to fix issues with configuration options if they are missing.
Enables or disables displaying alerts and unlocks for the given continent, or "other" for alerts such as Outfit Wars.
Enables or disables displaying territory or non-territory alerts.
Enables or disables automatically deleting alert notifications 5 minutes after they complete, and outfit activity notifications 5 minutes after they occur.
Creates a (by default) locked voice channel displaying server population or open continents. The channel is automatically updated every 10 minutes.
Creates a (by default) locked voice channel displaying outfit online count. The channel is automatically updated every 10 minutes.
Posts a message with server population, territory control, and active alerts. This message is automatically updated every 5 minutes.
Posts a message with outfit online members, owned bases, and resource generation. This message is automatically updated every 5 minutes.
Please make sure you have granted it the "Read Messages" "Send Messages" and "Embed Links" permissions in the channel you are using it in.
Certain servers will need to re-invite the bot to enable slash commands. If you've done that, make sure that the "Use Application Commands" permission is granted for users in the appropriate channel.
In your client settings, under "Text & Images" make sure "Show website preview info from links pasted into chat" is enabled
The bot is not allowed to use external emoji in that channel, to fix this grant the Use External Emoji permission to the bot.
IVI stands for "Infantry vs Infantry" and is one measure of "shooting skill" calculated by multiplying accuracy and headshot ratio. Only weapons sanctioned under "infantry" in the community run sanction list and with more than 50 kills will be used in calculating IVI. The stat as calculated per weapon is available in /stats as AHR (for Accuracy*Headshot Ratio) and is shown regardless of weapon sanction or number of kills.