Version 3.9.0
Added Gemini LeapC.dll (Gen2 support)
- Added hand modules
- One click auto orientation and new auto bone mapping logic to enable fast import and rigging of hand models.
- New premapped example hand models - skeleton arms, ghost hands, UE Mannequin and outline hands, with example scenes.
- Streamlined auto rigging so no nodes are needed in the anim instance's event graph.
- This version will still re-compile and run with UE 4.25.x and UE 4.26.x
Known issues:
- Auto calculating orientations with imported meshes that have negative scales require manual correction to the PreBaseRotation.
Use of the Leap Motion SDK is subject to the terms of the Leap Motion SDK Agreement available at https://developer.leapmotion.com/sdk_agreement, or another agreement between Ultraleap Ltd. and you, your company or other organization.