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CarbonScaler: Leveraging CloudWorkload Elasticity for Optimizing Carbon-Efficiency


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CarbonScaler: Leveraging CloudWorkload Elasticity for Optimizing Carbon-Efficiency

This repo presents a hardware-accelerated communication framework for model serving systems.


CarbonScaler enables batch applications to decrease their carbon footprint by scaling at low carbon periods and stopping/slowing down at high carbon periods. CarbonScaler is based on a greedy-optimal scheduling policy that yields the minimum carbon footprint. This repo contains a reference implementation for CarbonScaler. This implementation uses kubernetes to run batch jobs and defines a new custom resource definition (CRD) that are based on Kubeflow training operators. The current implementation uses the job reconcile function to operate in the most carbon-efficient method. The implementation uses:

  • golang V1.20
  • Kubernetes V1.27
  • Kubeflow training operator V1.6.0
  • MPI
  • Python3


The CarbonScaler report is available at lass website. To refer to the paper or the results. Please use the following citation.

      author={Hanafy, Walid A. and Liang, Qianlin  and Bashir, Noman  and Irwin, David  and Shenoy, Prashant},
      title={{CarbonScaler: Leveraging Cloud Workload Elasticity for Optimizing Carbon-Efficiency}},
      issue_date = {December 2023},
      volume = {7, 3},
      doi = {10.1145/3626788},
      journal = {Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst.},
      month = {dec},
      articleno = {57},
      numpages = {28},

Project Structure

tree .
├── # Instructions 
├── carbon_service # Carbon Intensity Server
├── jobs # Example Job
├── monitoring # Power Monitoring Server
├── setup # Setup auxiliary files
├── src # Source code for CarbonScaler CRD and Manager
└── status-server # Job Monitoring Server

Running CarbonScaler

CarbonScaler was tested on Minikube, Local Cluster, AWS. This repo describes the instructions to run CarbonScaler on Minikube and a Local Cluster.

You need to have a running version of minikube or K8s before you start. See minikube and Kubernetes Instructions.

Step 1: Install kubeflow training operators V1.6

Our code is based on kubeflow training operators that support multiple frameworks to run distributed batch application. We tested CarbonScaler with MPI and Pytorch but it should work with other operators as well. For more info on kubeflow check their official repo.

To install kubeflow

kubectl apply -k ""

Verify its correctly installed by

> kubectl get crds
NAME                       CREATED AT       2023-10-19T20:38:20Z        2023-10-19T20:38:21Z    2023-10-19T20:38:21Z   2023-10-19T20:38:21Z        2023-10-19T20:38:21Z   2023-10-19T20:38:21Z

Step 2: Setup PVC (Persistent Volume Claim)

CarbonScaler needs a persistent storage for maintaining checkpoints and other logs.

For Minikube

To create PVC:

kubectl apply -f setup/minikube-pvc.yaml

Make sure its bound

> kubectl get pvc
NAME            STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
collector-pvc   Bound    pvc-7e683785-acf6-41a4-94d3-4756a7314a51   5Gi        RWX            standard       2s

For K8s

Please check the instructions in setup/

Step 3: Run CarbonService

The CarbonService replays the used carbon trace. We utilize trace replay for ensuring reproducibility. However, online carbon services such as ElectricityMap or CarbonCast can be used.

To run the CarbonService.

kubectl apply -f carbon_service/carbon_service.yaml 

The Docker Image and source code for the Carbon Service is available in the carbon_service folder.

Step 4: Run Power Monitoring API

CarbonScaler need to read the power consumption of the used resources. We implemented a power server that uses RAPL to read CPU power consumption. For GPU power consumption, we are able to utilize DGCM. However, polling the power consumption fom GPU using nvidia-smi or using an external power meter will work. The Power Monitoring API must be place on each node, we configure this using replicas:total servers and maxSkew: 1.

To run the power monitoring API.

kubectl apply -f monitoring/power_server.yaml

The Docker Image and source code for the Power Monitoring API is available in the monitoring folder.

For testing purposes the Power Monitoring API returns fixed value (10W) if it cannot read the power e.g., ARM and AMD based CPUs that don't support RAPL.

Step 5: Run the status service

The simple status server implements monitoring and accounting using the k8s python api. The status server is responsible for carbon monitoring and power monitoring. Its connects to the carbon server to get the latest updates. The server has an infinite loop for searching for active jobs. If a job is found a new JobMonitor is created. This job monitor read the power of the servers where the application has pods. Currently it assumes that the server is pods don't share a server. Once the job is done, its progress is saved.

This container needs to be rebuild with config file from your k8s cluster. The config file is available in the .kube folder. You can rebuild the container and push under your DockeHub ID.

kubectl apply -f status-server/status-server.yaml

The status server needs information about the cluster. i.e., It needs the master node IP and certificates. You need to rebuild this server for every new deployment.

Step 6: Build and RUN CarbonScaler Code

CarbonScaler policies is implemented in golang as CRD using kubebuilder templates. The src directory is mostly generated. However our implementation is within:

  • api: This holds the data definition needed for the CRDs.
  • controllers: This hold the algorithm in (src/controllers/carbon_scaler.go) and the reconcile function, which is called whenever it gets a change notification or when the job is submitted.
  • main.go: Starts the schedulers and managers of the new CRD.

To compile the code

cd src; make

Once you see that the code compiles successfully. Follow the deployment instructions in src/README. The needed core instructions are:

make docker-build docker-push IMG=washraf/carbonscaler 
make deploy IMG=washraf/carbonscaler 

Running Jobs

CarbonScaler is a layer on top of Kubeflow training operators. CarbonScaler requires minor additions to the original kubeflow yaml file. This additions are:

    minReplicas: 1 # Minimum Number of nodes (m)
    maxReplicas: 1 # Maximum Number of nodes (M)
    deadline: 1 #Total Time steps
    progress: 0 #Latest Progress, starts with 0 and updated incase of failure.
    profileName: "nbody100k" #profile name from the /src/profiles folder


We provided an example in jobs/mpi_job.yaml. The example runs an MPI jobs of the nbody-simulation problem. The code takes number of bodies and simulate their location in 3D space for a certain number of iterations (seconds). The Jobs configurations are provided as environment variable BODIES, ITERATIONS, and LOGS_FOLDER. To run the example

kubectrl apply -f jobs/mpi_job.yaml

Configuring the policy

Carbon Scaler behavior depends on the flexibility its given as well as the application profile and carbon intensity. To remove scaling set minReplicas = maxReplicas. To remove time shifting set deadline=JobLengh. The code also supports a carbon agnostic scheduler that don't use the profile information named fixed and is activated by setting --policy=fixed for the CarbonScaler manager.

For more details about the policies and their evaluation refer to our paper.


In the paper we proposed CarbonAdvisor, a tool to estimate the carbon footprint on executing batch jobs in the cloud. A basic version CarbonAdvisor. We plan to extend it by many features and deploy it soon.

Contact Information

This code was part of Walid A. Hanafy. Please contact him if you have any questions or issues.

email: whanafy(AT)cs(DOT)umass(DOT)edu


  • Independent job scheduling. CarbonScaler assumes jobs are independent and are executed in a single-tenant environment.


CarbonScaler: Leveraging CloudWorkload Elasticity for Optimizing Carbon-Efficiency







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