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Gitlab bot platform.


$ yarn add @umbrellio/gbot


$ npm i @umbrellio/gbot



Sends unapproved MRs to mattermost / slack. MR will be ignored if it has Draft/WIP mark.

$ gbot unapproved -c /path/to/config/gbot.yaml


Each setting can be set via environment variables. Each variable must start with GBOT_ prefix. Double underscore is interpreted as nesting, for example:

GBOT_GITLAB_TOKEN=token # { "gitlabToken": "token" }
GBOT_GITLAB__TOKEN=token # {"gitlab": { "token": "token" } }

Example of the config file:

  url: "<chat.postMessage URL>"        # Slack chat.postMessage endpoint
  token: "<TOKEN>"                     # Slack token with chat:write scope
  channel: "<CHANNEL>"                 # Mattermost / Slack channel where will be messages sent
  markup: "slack"                      # Messenger markup (default - "markdown").
                                       # Possible values:
                                       # - "markdown" (for Mattermost)
                                       # - "slack" (for Slack)
    username: "@umbrellio/gbot"        # Sender's display name
    icon: "<icon url>"                 # Sender's icon url
      pavel: "U020DSB741G"             # Mapping of Gitlab username to Slack ID
  token: "<TOKEN>"                     # GitLab Private Access Token
  url: "<gitlab api url>"              # Gitlab API base url
  groups:                              # List of your project’s groups (optional if projects are defined)
  - id: 4                              # Group id
    excluded: [1, 2, 3]                # List of projects to exclude from the current group projects (optional)
  - id: 5
  projects:                            # List of your project (optional if groups are defined)
  - id: 42                             # Project id
    paths:                             # List of paths that should be changed in merge requests
    - src/**/*
  - id: 43

# tasks config
unapproved:                            # Config for `unapproved` command
  emoji:                               # Emoji which will be set for each MR (optional)
    24h: ":emoji1:"                    # If MR's last update time more than 24 hours
                                       # Time interval can be set in seconds, minutes,
                                       # hours and days (30s, 10m, 5h, 2d)
    12h: ":emoji2:"                    # If MR's last update time more than 12 hours
    default: ":emoji3:"                # Default emoji (if other ones wasn't matched)
  tag:                                 # Specify who will be tagged in messenger
    approvers: false                   # Tag approvers or not (default - false)
    author: false                      # Tag author of PR or not (default - false)
    commenters: false                  # Tag thread commenters or not (default - false)
    onThreadsOpen: false               # Whether to tag thread authors and PR author when threads are present
    onConflict: false                  # Whether to tag PR author if there are conflicts
  diffs: false                         # Show changed lines count or not (default - false)
  splitByReviewProgress: false         # Whether to split the requests into those completely without review, those that under review and those with conflicts
  requestsPerMessage: 15               # Merge requests count per message
  checkConflicts: false                # Whether to check PR conflicts

Groups in the config are Gitlab project groups. You must specify the group or the project, or both.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


Released under MIT License.


Created by Aleksei Bespalov.

Supported by Umbrellio