Xamarin & .NET Core Ready, Thread.Task Replacer Implementation. Dump task lyfecycle, Detect zombie thread.
It's a Thread.Task Replacer Implementation, to Visualize the state of Thread.Task.
Dump Task-Info to the console at creation / start / completion.
Task-Info includes information such as the name of the class in which the task was generated, the thread ID for executing the task, the time when the task was started, and so on.
Supports .NET4.5.1, .NET Standard1.3
- Add NuGet Package to your project.
- Call "Xb.App.Job.Init()" with UI-THREAD, to Initialize.
- Execute Xb.App.Job.Run() instead of Task.Run().
- See your Console, Dumped a Task Info.
- Call Static Methods / Properties Xb.App.Job.[AnyMethod].
ex) Exec Task on Non-UI Thread.
Xb.App.Job.Run(() =>
//Action on Non-UI Thread.
var value = 1;
}, false, "StoreBase.DelayedUpdated");
// ^non-ui ^jobName
ex) Task Info on the Immediate-Window.
09:20:26.721: Job.Run Start ThID: 8, StartTime: 09:20:25.760, ProcTime: 0.960 sec, ActiveThreads: 9, JobName: StoreBase.DelayedUpdated CalledClass: StorePurchase
ex) Exec the serial task with CancelToken.
// using Xb.App;
var canceller = new CancellationTokenSource();
Job.CreateJob(() =>
//Task1 exec on UI-Thread.
}, true),
Job.CreateJob(() =>
//Task2 exec on Non-UI-Thread.
}, false)
ex) Execute Background Jobs.
// using Xb.App;
var manager = new Job.BackgroundJobManager();
manager.Regist(() => { ...background job1... });
manager.Regist(() => { ...background job2... });
manager.Regist(() => { ...background job3... });
ex) Aggregation of job execution
// using Xb.App;
var manager = new Job.DelayedOnceJobManager(() =>
// Execute Once Only Job.
}, 1000);
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Namespace and Methods are...
+- Job(static)
| |
| | ### Setting & Parameters ###
| |
| +- .Init()
| | Initialize - ** MAKE SURE to execute this with UI-THREAD. **
| |
| +- .IsUIThread { get; }
| | Whether the current thread is a UI thread
| |
| +- .IsMonitorEnabled { get; set; }
| | Whether Job Monitor is active.
| |
| +- .IsDumpStatus { get; set; }
| | Whether console-dump output of [Periodic Status Info] is active.
| |
| +- .IsDumpTaskValidation { get; set; }
| | Whether console-dump output of [Task Varidation Info] is active.
| |
| +- .TimerIntervalMsec { get; set; }
| | execution interval of periodic staus dump / task verification processing.
| |
| |
| |
| | ### for Single Task Processing ###
| |
| +- .Run(Action action,
| | bool isExecUiThread,
| | string jobName = null
| | CancellationTokenSource cancellation = null)
| | Execute a job without return value.
| |
| +- .Run<T>(Func<T> action,
| | bool isExecUiThread,
| | string jobName = null,
| | CancellationTokenSource cancellation = null)
| | Execute a job with return value.
| |
| +- .Run(Action action,
| | string jobName = null)
| | Execute the passed Action asynchronously on Non-UI-Thread.
| |
| +- .RunUI(Action action,
| | string jobName = null)
| | Execute the passed Action asynchronously on UI-Thread.
| |
| +- .DelayedRun(Action action,
| | int msec,
| | string jobName = null)
| | Delayed Execute the passed Action asynchronously on Non-UI-Thread.
| |
| +- .DelayedRunUI(Action action,
| | int msec,
| | string jobName = null)
| | Delayed Execute the passed Action asynchronously on UI-Thread.
| |
| +- .RunSynced(Action action
| | string jobName = null)
| | Synchronously Execute the passed Action on Non-UI-Thread.
| |
| +- .RunUISynced(Action action
| | string jobName = null)
| | Synchronously Execute the passed Action on Non-UI-Thread.
| |
| +- .Wait(int msec)
| | Wait for specified milliseconds.
| |
| +- .WaitSynced(int msec)
| | Synchronously Wait for specified milliseconds.
| |
| |
| |
| | ### for Serial Tasks Processing ###
| |
| +- .CreateJob(Action action,
| | bool isExecUiThread = false,
| | string jobName = null)
| | Generate Job-Instance for serial processing.
| |
| +- .CreateDelay(int delayMsec = 300)
| | Generate Delay-Job-Instance for serial processing.
| |
| +- .RunSerial(CancellationTokenSource cancellation = null,
| | params Job[] jobs)
| | Execute the Job-Instance array sequentially.
| |
| +- .RunSerial(params Job[] jobs)
| | Execute the Job-Instance array sequentially.
| |
| +- .RunSerial(params Action[] actions)
| | Execute the Action array sequentially with Non-UI-Threads.
| |
| +- .RunSerial<T>(Func<T> lastJob,
| | bool isUiThreadLastJob = false,
| | CancellationTokenSource cancellation = null,
| | params Job[] jobs)
| | Execute a continuous job with return value.
| |
| +- .RunSerial<T>(Func<T> lastJob,
| params Job[] jobs)
| Execute a continuous job with return value.
+- Job(instance) - for serial task processing
| ### for Serial Tasks Processing ###
+- Action { get; }
| Job Logic
+- IsExecUIThread { get; }
| Whether it is necessary to run in the UI-Thread.
+- DelayMSec { get; }
| Start Delay
+- JobName { get; }
| Name of Info in Job-Monitor.
| ### Background Job Processing ###
+- .BackgroundJobManager(instance)
| |
| +- .Constructor(string name = null)
| |
| +- .Name { get; }
| | Job-Manager Name
| |
| +- .IsResident { get; set; }
| | Whether job-manager thread residentable or not.
| |
| +- .StartDelayMsec { get; set; }
| | Job start delay
| |
| +- .JobCheckSpanMsec { get; set; }
| | Job-Detection checking span
| |
| +- .SuppressCheckSpanMsec { get; set; }
| | Job-Suppression checking span
| |
| +- .IsSuppressing { get; }
| | Whether job-manager suppressing or not.
| |
| +- .IsRunning { get; }
| | Whether now on running job or not.
| |
| +- .SuppressorCount { get; }
| | Job suppressing ordered object count
| |
| +- .Regist(Action action)
| | Regist job
| |
| +- .Suppress(object suppressorObject, string suppressorName = null)
| | Suppress job
| |
| +- .ReleaseSuppress(object suppressorObject)
| | Release suppress
| |
| +- .IsSuppressorObject(object targetObject)
| | Whether passing-object is suppressor or not.
| |
| +- .GetSuppressorNames()
| Get suppressing object's Names
| ### Aggregation of Job execution ###
+- .DelayedOnceJobManager(instance)
+- .Constructor(Action delayedAction,
| int delayMsec,
| int maxDelayMsec)
+- .IsScheduled { get; }
| Whether job execution scheduled or not.
+- .ScheduledTime { get; }
| Job execution scheduled time
+- .ScheduleLimitedTime { get; }
| Maximum delay limit time
+- .DelayMsec { get; set; }
| Job-Execution delay time
+- .MaxDelayMsec { get; set; }
| Maximun delay time
+- .Run()
Request execution