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SAR Sentinel-1 ESA mission sea state Ifremer processor


  • predicts sea state geophysical quantities from Level-1B or Level-1C Ifremer SARWAVE Sentinel-1 (WV,IW,EW) products using empirical function learnt on numerical hindcasts (WAVEWATCH III):
  • significant wave height (Hs)
  • mean wave period (t0m1)
  • significant wave height of the wind-sea (pshs0)
  • save results in a netCDF file per sub-swath.


This Sentinel-1 Level-2 sea state processor is developed/maintained by Ifremer - LOPS laboratory. This work is co-funded by ESA through the SARWAVE project ( The processor development benefits from support and contributions from Sentinel-1 Mission Performance Cluster team (