One of my key objectives as a developer is to ensure that all work is done in a high-quality timely manner.
High quality: as this is what you are paying for, and will reduce any time required for revising the work. And in a timely manner: as I appreciate the underlying necessity for work to be delivered, both on time to fulfil your expectations and to also allow the project to be profitable.
Being a highly mission focused and driven individual, I thrive when there are well planned out tasks to undertake. I will loyally devote my time to create the most efficient and presentable solution to clients, and will not stop until I have achieved my objective.
Work Experience Summary: Over the past several years I have undergone a lot of online training to successfully deliver projects in most of the main programming languages and database protocol.
Developed lots of global websites, online quiz/exam web app, business web dashboards, e-commerce, appointment, dating and internal business websites according to company workflow using PHP/MySQL/MariaDB, Laravel v5.x & 8.0/RESTful APIs and JavaScript/VueJS.
Especially, recently for 3 years, accepted, adjusted and altered Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Decentralized/Distributed/Oftentimes Public/Digital Ledger technologies into my stack.
Dedicated and efficient full stack developer with 5 years experience in application layers, presentation layers, and databases.
Certified in both front-end and back-end technologies.
Passionate about web and blockchain high technologies.
Main skills are :
- Python, Flask(APIs, Swagger)
- NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, GraphQL
- JavaScript/ES5/ES6/TypeScript
- React, Redux, Next(JSX/TSX, ReactDOM, Functional/Class/Styled Component, Props/State, Router, Event, Effect, Hook, Thunk, Reducer, Selector)
- Vue v2 & 3, Vuex and Vuetify, Nuxt
- PHP v5.x, 7.x & 8, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL
- OOP & custom PHP & LAMP stack
- Laravel v5.x & 8 (RESTful APIs, Eloquent, Repository, Service, Transformer, Auth, ServiceProvider, Helper, Events, Schedules, and Blade Component, Websockets, Pusher PHP server, Echo, Broadcast, Notification)
- Html 4&5, CSS 2&3, Bootstrap 3,4,5, Tailwind CSS, Mobile Friendly Responsive
- JQuery, and plugins, AJAX, JSON
- Team working with GitHub, GitLab, Docker, Trello, Jira, Asana, Slack, Discord
- Building a website from scratch and templates/themes
- PSD, Figma to HTML&CSS(fast speed).
- SEO friendly
- Blockchain / Ethereum / Smart Contracts / Solidity / Truffle / Web3.js / ERC20 Tokens / ERC721 Tokens / ERC1155 Tokens / DeFi/ DEX / DApp
- Developing smart contracts using a Solidity programming language.
- NFTs Mint, Opensea, Auto generating images by Python
- Cryptocurrency lottery game
- Staking, Yield Farming, AMM, Oracles, Lending & Borrowing, Leverage on DEX and DeFi like Uniswap, Pancakeswap, and Sushiswap etc
- Developing RPC using client libraries such as Web3.
- Static analysis of smart contracts for gas consumption and optimization.
I see web development as a "learning to learn" sort of job where I am continually learning, as things are continually enhanced there is never a week where there are no new technological advancements.
I thoroughly enjoy this aspect of my job as is it keeps me on my toes and allows me to socialize with many of the world's best programmers.