python --data ./conf_yolov7/lidar.yaml --img 320 --batch 32 --conf 0.001 --iou 0.65 --device 0 --weights --name yolov7_lidar_val
You will get the results:
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.51206
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.69730
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.75 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.55521
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.35247
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.55937
Average Precision (AP) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.66693
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 1 ] = 0.38453
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets= 10 ] = 0.63765
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= all | maxDets=100 ] = 0.68772
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= small | maxDets=100 ] = 0.53766
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area=medium | maxDets=100 ] = 0.73549
Average Recall (AR) @[ IoU=0.50:0.95 | area= large | maxDets=100 ] = 0.83868
To measure accuracy, download COCO-annotations for Pycocotools to the ./coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json
Single GPU training (Note that the argument "--name" cannot contain any capital characters)
# train p5 models
python --epochs 150 --workers 16 --device 0 --batch-size 32 --data ./conf_yolov7/lidar.yaml --img 320 320 --cfg ./conf_yolov7/yolov7_lidar.yaml --weights '' --name lidardet --hyp ./yolov7/data/hyp.scratch.p5.yaml
On image:
python --weights ./runs/train/lidardet/weights/ --conf 0.4 --img-size 320 --save-label