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New Knowledge's Time Series Classification Methods

The acronym manatee stands for Methods for Anomaly Notification Against TimE-series Evidence

This repository contains two methods for time series classification and one method for streaming anomaly detection:

1. Shapelet Classifier

This classifier learns a dictionary of "shapelets," or discriminative subsequences, from the training data (the solutions are not unique). The closest distance between each shapelet and a time series defines a new feature representation, known as the shapelet-transformation.

The model comes from this paper: (Grabocka et al. 2014) and is based off of this open-source library: New Knowledge's implementation of the shapelet classifier, which draws heavily from the previous library is available here:

2. FCN-LSTM Classifier

This classifier connects an attention-based LSTM layer to multiple convolution and batch normalization layer sequences. The model originally comes from this paper: (Karim et al. 2018) and is implemented in this public repository: New Knowledge's slighty edited implementation is avaiable here:

3. Robust Random Cut Forest for Streaming Anomaly Detection

This method produces an anomaly score for a new observation according to the expected change in complexity (averaged across all trees in the forest) that results from attempting to insert the new observation into each tree. This complexity is inversely proportional to the depth of the inserted observation (observations closer to the root = more anomalous). The method was proposed by this paper: and is implemented in this public repository: New Knowledge's edited implementation is available here:

Training Data for Spam Classification Problem

The data used for the spam classification problem consisted of the 419 Nigerian prince dataset (spam), the Enron dataset (ham), and a private dataset of attack emails from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

gRPC Dockerized Classifiers for Deployment

The folders NK_Shapelet_Classifier and NK_FCN_LSTM_Classifier each contain gRPC interfaces with the following components:

  1. and generated from grapevine.proto in protos/ according to instructions in protos/ These files must be generated every time grapevine.proto is changed
  2. <classifier_name> which is the main gRPC server, serving on port 50050 (configurable via config.ini)
  3. <classifier_name> which is an example script demonstrating how the main gRPC server can be accessed to classify individual emails (the methods each build streaming rate functions from sequences of email timestamps)

To build the corresponding docker image: sudo docker build -t <image_name>:latest .

To run the docker image, simply do sudo docker run -it -p 50050:50050 <image_name>:latest

Finally, you can run the test client script as python3 <classifier_name> (contained in each of the individual folders).


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