This odoo module is a modified version of hw_escpos to support the following fiscal printer FP-81 II with firmware >= 3.008
- posbox
- odoo server
- unzip/copy hw_fiscalpos dir into /home/pi/odoo/addons directory
- change the fs on posbox as writable
sudo mount -o remount,rw /root_bypass_ramdisks
- edit /root_bypass_ramdisks/etc/init.d/odoo andreplace hw_escopos with hw_fiscalpos
edit point_of_sale/static/src/js/chrome.js file and replace the line: var printer = status.drivers.escpos ? status.drivers.escpos.status : false);
if( printer != 'connected' && printer != 'connecting'){ warning = true; msg = msg ? msg + ' & ' : msg; msg += _t('Fiscale'); }
with: var printer = status.drivers.escpos ? status.drivers.escpos.status : false;
if( printer != 'connected' && printer != 'connecting'){ warning = true; msg = msg ? msg + ' & ' : msg; msg += _t('Printer'); } var printer = status.drivers.fiscalpos ? status.drivers.fiscalpos.status : false; if( printer != 'connected' && printer != 'connecting'){ warning = true; msg = msg ? msg + ' & ' : msg; msg += _t('Fiscale'); }
edit point_of_sale/static/src/js/screen.js as follows: // var receipt = QWeb.render('XmlReceipt',env); var receipt = this.pos.get_order().export_for_printing(); this.pos.proxy.print_receipt(receipt,true);
edit point_of_sale/static/src/js/device.js as follows:
add fiscalPrinter as print_receipt function parameter:
print_receipt: function(receipt,fiscalPrinter = false){
replace the line self.message('print_xml_receipt',{ receipt: r },{ timeout: 5000 })
var methodName = fiscalPrinter ? 'print_fiscal_receipt' : 'print_xml_receipt'
self.message(methodName,{ receipt: r },{ timeout: 5000 })
If you prefer, you could replace the original js files with the already edited version stored into pos_js_fiscalpos_files directory . Into the same directory you'll find the script to copy js file directly into a odoo docker container by using only odoo container name as parameter