- changed the assembly files from nasm syntax to AT&T syntax in order to fit in better with the i686-elf-gcc toolchain
- made some huge fixes to the coolboot.sys parser although I think the parser needs a proper re-implementation
- if the kernel returns success, then the post-kernel environment will not clear the screen and will simply return to the assembly wrapper to halt the cpu. I plan to make the kernel success code specifiable in coolboot.sys
- boot.bin will now check the drive parameters instead of trusting the ones already in the bios parameter block
- fixed a bug where KERNEL_FILE would have to start with a double slash for files in the root directory.
- options must now start with a ':' prefix
- coolboot.sys must now have a valid signature to make sure there aren't any formatting issues when the syntax inevitably changes, valid signatures for each version will be placed in the docs directory
- added some functions to parse coolboot.sys