API Service for a backend MongoDB Database... details are purposely being left vague...
In the process of a rewrite and move to Travis CI
Create a giles-secrets.yaml file, which will contain the username/password URI for MongoDB host/cluster
An example is included in the repo, but essentially is something like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: giles-v1
type: Opaque
mongo_uri: <base64 encoded mongo uri>
port: <base64 encoded port>
Encoding something as base64 on Mac/Linux you would echo the string piped to the command base64
echo 'mongodb://mongo:mongo@mongohost:27017/test' | base64
Installing the two yaml's into kubernetes is then done with the following command:
kubectl create -f giles-secrets.yaml
kubectl create -f giles-deployment.yaml