Here are my configurations for my system.
You may call them dotfiles.
It is known to work on all three of my active systems:
- Gentoo Linux
- Solus OS
- Arch Linux
I use GNU Stow for farming symlinks into one central folder.
Should you wish to use my configs, run:
stow <program name>
Replace `<program name>` with any one of the directories seen in this repository.
stow i3
I use the following software:
- emacs
- Xorg
- Xscreensaver
- Zsh
- i3-gaps
- i3blocks
- feh
Also, I frequently use the Fira Code font.
There is also a heap of software that I have shortcuts for in my i3 configuration. This can be replaced in the config if there should be issues
I forsee there may be the following issues when running this configuration:
Remove the `mpv` command in these lines:
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer set Master 2%+ && mpv /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.ogg
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer set Master 2%- && mpv /usr/share/sounds/gnome/default/alerts/drip.ogg
This is due to not using systemd.
Change each of the lines in this file to match your system’s shutdown/reboot etc. commands.