Multi-coin wallet info tool, returns balances, public/private keys, contacts and more information about a wallet.dat file. a more simple/minimal alternative to pywallet.
Usage: [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--datadir=DATADIR wallet directory (defaults to current directory)
--wallet=WALLETFILE wallet filename (defaults to wallet.dat)
--is-encrypted check if wallet is encrypted
passphrase for the encrypted wallet
--test-passphrase test if passed passphrase is correct
--determine-coin tries to determine coin
--list-keys list private and public keys
--list-public-keys list only public keys
--list-private-keys list only private keys
--list-contacts lists wallet address book contacts
--balances list balances for each key
--explore-url print block explorer url for each address
Debian-based Linux:
aptitude install build-essential python-dev python-bsddb3
Mac OS X:
1. Install MacPorts from
2. sudo port install python27 py27-pip py-bsddb python_select
3. sudo port select --set python python27
4. sudo easy_install ecdsa
1. Install Python 2.7