Docker-compose file and application settings for the Mailpit server installation and configuration. This is used internally by the Faculty of Arts IT-Web team.
Mailpit is a small, fast, low memory, zero-dependency, multi-platform email testing tool & API for developers.
A working Docker installation is mandatory.
Please make sure to copy & rename the example.env file to .env.
cp example.env .env
You can replace the values if needed to match you server & environment. Mainly the path to the SQLite database and the path to the authentication file.
Build & run all the containers for this project.
docker-compose up -d
To access the main application please use the following link.
Copy and rename the environment file.
cp example.env .env
You should replace the values since the default ones are not ready for production.
Please also make sure to copy & rename the file to docker-compose.override.yml.
cp docker-compose.override.yml
You can replace the values if needed, but the default ones should work for production.
Build & run all the containers for this project:
docker-compose up -d
Use a reverse proxy configuration to map the url to port 8484
Example configurations are included in proxy examples.