unKonf is an unconference focussing on web development & software development topics. unKonf is organized by bitExpert AG in Mannheim, Germany.
Once a year, about 120 nerds gather at the bitExpert headquarters in Mannheim to discuss anything development-related. It is always great fun, and you should not miss it!
If you are wondering why it is worth attending unKonf, you might want to check out the blog posts by former attendees:
- https://blog.versioneye.com/2015/04/20/the-unkonf-at-bitexpert-ag/
- https://php.budgegeria.de/blog/the-unkonf-2017-in-mannheim-_-unquestionably-a-good-time
- https://blog.sperrobjekt.de/content/1000518-unKonf-2018.html
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/unKonf
Mastodon: https://rheinneckar.social/@unKonf
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/unkonf/
Find our contact information here: https://bitexpert.de/en/imprint