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Writing Trajectories

Ajay Shankar edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 6 revisions

Quick Reference

Topic Name (publish to): /reference_state
Message Type: freyja_msgs::ReferenceState
Consumer Node(s): lqg_controller
Recommended Rate: 0Hz (last reference remains latched) -- lc Hz (lc is the controller rate, usually 40-50Hz).

Basic structure

Freyja requires continuous trajectory references, xr, for the controller. This trajectory reference is, at minimum, a 7-vector of the form: [pn, pe, pd, vn, ve, vd, yaw]. This is a continuous "state" that the controller will attempt to maintain. Therefore, vn must be the first time-derivative of pn, and so on. This is often best written in a "time-parameterised" form. For instance, to move in a straight line northwards at a velocity of 0.5 (m/s), it must be that:

pn = 0.5 * t + c;
vn = 0.5;

with c as some constant offset, and t as the time.
On a similar theme, note that:

pn = 0.5 * t * t + c;
vn = 0.5 * t;

may seem to be a parabolic curve, but it is parabolic only in time. The path-point still moves in the same straight-line northwards as before (but now with an ever-increasing velocity). It also follows that if all the position references are constants (are not functions of time), then the corresponding velocity elements must be zero.


Freyja also supports acceleration feed-forward: the full (actual) trajectory reference vector looks like so:
[pn, pe, pd, vn, ve, vd, yaw, an, ae, ad]
The last 3 elements are used internally as "feed-forward" components for the controller, and are not technically a "reference" that it chases. Note that if you only use the first form (7 elements), ROS automatically fills the acceleration terms with zeros (which is good). Enabling feed-forward is masked behind another launch argument, enable_flatness_ff, which must be set to true for these terms to take effect.


Here's a ROS C++ snippet for flying in a unit circle at a constant height:

freyja_msgs::ReferenceState refstate;
ros::Time init_time = ros::Time::now();
while( ros::ok() )
  float t = (ros::Time::now() - init_time).toSec();
  /* position references */ = std::sin(t); = std::cos(t);
  refstate.pd = -1.0;
  /* velocity references */ = std::cos(t); = -std::sin(t);
  refstate.vd = 0.0;
  /* fill acceleration refs if needed.. */

  /* publish */
  refpublisher.publish( refstate );
  /* sleep for 0.05s and spin once to "refresh" ROS queues. */

More examples and complete code can be found under /freyja_examples directory.