qson is a simple Go library for wrapping MongoDB procedures
Standard go get
$ go get github.com/unqnown/qson
- Operators
- Query and Projection Operators
- Comparison Query Operators
- $eq
- $gt
- $gte
- $in
- $lt
- $lte
- $ne
- $nin
- Logical Query Operators
- $and
- $not
- $nor
- $or
- Element Query Operators
- $exists
- $type
- Evaluation Query Operators
- $expr
- $jsonSchema
- $mod
- $regex
- $text
- $where
- Geospatial Query Operators
- $geoIntersects
- $geoWithin
- $near
- $nearSphere
- $box
- $center
- $centerSphere
- $geometry
- $maxDistance
- $minDistance
- $polygon
- $uniqueDocs
- Array Query Operators
- $all
- $elemMatch
- $size
- Bitwise Query Operators
- $bitsAllClear
- $bitsAllSet
- $bitsAnyClear
- $bitsAnySet
- $comment
- Projection Operators
- $
- $elemMatch
- $meta
- $slice
- Comparison Query Operators
- Query and Projection Operators