Personal OSX setup guide for frontend development with vue && vim. This is a more manual guide on h ow I set up a fresh computer. Less of a guide on how to use an automated process to get it done.
- Oni Vim 2 ??
- Proper neovim install/setup for using with
- Vs Code setup / configs
- Add the Hack font to this setup
- Proper Zsh setup this time
- In
: Don’t forget to add$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin
- Brew install / requirements
- Mac OSX Defaults setup, preferably in a script to run? (dock, key repeat, mouse settings, etc)
- Can I create a config file to transfer Moom settings?
- Determine if it's possible to move over Bartender3 configs? might need to just do manually
- guide on what/how to symlink dotfiles to places (git settings, global configs zsh, valet)