This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
config/database.yml config/mcrypt.yml config/secrets.yml
Create a couple users. Use your own passwords!
/etc/init.d/apache2 status
RailsUser.create(:login => 'admin', :password => 'test123!', :password_confirmation =>'test123!') RailsUser.create(:login => 'readonly', :password => 'test123!', :password_confirmation =>'test123!')
For some reason, in production, nothing loads in the console.
Need to ... require 'application_record' require 'rails_user'
cd /var/www/ego_browse
passenger stop --port 3000
sudo iptables --policy INPUT ACCEPT
passenger start --port 3000 --daemonize
Question.where(:title => 'SUBJECT'){|a|a.value == '041_3'}.first.interview.answers.joins(:question).where('question.title' => 'HIVTEST_LAST')
Answer.where(Answer.arel_table[:otherSpecifyText].not_eq('')).collect{|a|MCRYPT.ivdecrypt(a.otherSpecifyText)}.select{|a| a =~ /aaa/i}
Create new study, with intro, and save. Create new question, multiple select. Add a couple options with specify Take interview. (Oddly, text for the option not being shown for me???) Export with interviews Import Export with interviews Decrypt answer's value and otherSpecifyText. The value will have been updated to the appropriate question option id, HOWEVER, the id in the otherSpecifyText WILL NOT.
#irb(main):024:0> Study.last.answers
#=> #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Answer id: 88976, active: nil, questionId: 2844, interviewId: 91, alterId1: nil, alterId2: nil, value: "10751", otherSpecifyText: "10751:test", skipReason: "NONE", studyId: 14, questionType: "EGO_ID", answerType: "MULTIPLE_SELECTION">]>
#irb(main):024:0> Study.last.answers
#=> #<ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy [#<Answer id: 88977, active: nil, questionId: 2845, interviewId: 92, alterId1: 0, alterId2: 0, value: "10752", otherSpecifyText: "10751:test", skipReason: "NONE", studyId: 15, questionType: "EGO_ID", answerType: "MULTIPLE_SELECTION">]>
mysql -u root egoweb < <(zcat ~/Downloads/20170419153302.egoweb.sql.gz)
Be advised that this app is built on the database of another. There are no migrations for the resources of the other app. Therefore, the existing app database must exist and be the development database so that its schema can be extracted and used for test.
sudo service ego_browse_passenger stop
git pull
gem update bundler
bundle ins
rake db:migrate
sudo service ego_browse_passenger start
Prep remote server to run the latest version of EGO Web straight from their repo.
git clone github_egoweb
cd /var/www
sudo mv html html.old
sudo ln -s github_egoweb html
sudo vi protected/config/main.php
* change egowebpass to actual database password
* change encryptionKey to match that used in db
sudo service apache2 restart
Save your database credentials so you won't be prompted for them
vi ~/.my.cnf
* add mysql credentials
chmod 400 ~/.my.cnf
Download and import the latest EGO Web data dump. Update for the latest EGO Web. Correct the 3 survey question / answer values.
Install davfs2 to mount the box drive
sudo apt install davfs2
sudo echo " /home/USERNAME/box davfs user,rw,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mkdir ~/box
mkdir ~/.davfs2
chmod 700 ~/.davfs2
echo "/home/USERNAME/box PASSWORD" >> ~/.davfs2/secrets
chmod 600 ~/.davfs2/secrets
sudo gpasswd -a USERNAME davfs2
mount ~/box
Connect to cloud server
sudo ssh -L 9980:localhost:80 -L 9443:localhost:443 -L 9300:localhost:3000 -L 9344:localhost:3443 -i /Users/jakewendt/.ssh/id_rsa
Import database into cloud server
mount box
cp "$( ls -1tr box/DOTS\ Global/Data/dbdumps/*.egoweb.sql.gz | tail -n 1 )" ~/dbdumps/
chmod 400 ~/dbdumps/*
umount box
mysql -u ruby egoweb < <(zcat $(ls -1tr ~/dbdumps/*.egoweb.sql.gz | tail -n 1 ) )
mysql -u ruby egoweb < /var/www/ego_browse/egoweb_update.sql
Download "Export Other Specify Data" from latest version of EgoWeb due to old app issues.
Edit survey and Download "Export Ego-Alter Data". The answer values for several questions are the same for each answer. Change No value to 0 for the following 3 questions. SMOKED_EV, CALL911, SABUSERU18GANG ( this is now done in the egoweb_update.sql script. )