This is a repository I maintain for all my coding exercises and any relevant/interesting codes/designs I come across.
- Time/space complexity analysis: a. Nested list weight c. Merge k lists - all approaches e. Multi dimensional sum
- Paint house when houses are arranged in a circle: Reuse same logic, except for the last row. For the last row, find 3 minimum of last-1th row instead of 2 minimum. Why? Coz one might clash with itself, the other might clash with 0th row (which has already been 'painted'). Will this logic work or is there a better one?
- Add interval and getTotalLength. Merge in getLength() vs merge in Add. Tradeoffs. RemoveRange and RemoveInterval implementation TBD.
- Verify triangles(all variations) and identify O(nlgn) algorithm for listing triangles, if any.
- Implement hash table: 1) How to instantiate HashTable class?, 2) Try to implement Remove, 3) Add concurrency.
- Remaining questons and design.
- Follow-ups for 1) merge stream, 2) largest k integers
- Follow-up for phone-words with combos of numbers and words.