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This is a repository I maintain for all my coding exercises and any relevant/interesting codes/designs I come across.


  1. Time/space complexity analysis: a. Nested list weight c. Merge k lists - all approaches e. Multi dimensional sum
  2. Paint house when houses are arranged in a circle: Reuse same logic, except for the last row. For the last row, find 3 minimum of last-1th row instead of 2 minimum. Why? Coz one might clash with itself, the other might clash with 0th row (which has already been 'painted'). Will this logic work or is there a better one?
  3. Add interval and getTotalLength. Merge in getLength() vs merge in Add. Tradeoffs. RemoveRange and RemoveInterval implementation TBD.
  4. Verify triangles(all variations) and identify O(nlgn) algorithm for listing triangles, if any.
  5. Implement hash table: 1) How to instantiate HashTable class?, 2) Try to implement Remove, 3) Add concurrency.
  6. Remaining questons and design.
  7. Follow-ups for 1) merge stream, 2) largest k integers
  8. Follow-up for phone-words with combos of numbers and words.