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Pepo edited this page Nov 25, 2019 · 7 revisions

The Underscore Protocol (_Prtcl) Documentation

[WARNING: This space is under development! Expect a stable version of the documentation and tools soon! in the meanwhile just look around if you are curious :)]

Welcome to the official _Prtcl Documentation!

Working with _Prtcl is about working with "Evees" (Evolving Entities): platform-agnostic data objects that evolve in different applications and platforms, with inputs from different users and creators.

Here is a list of available resources for you to start learning about _Prtcl:

[Introduction]: An overview of the protocol and a map of the tools that are currently available to integrate it as part of your app. Maybe you want to take a look at this first if you are just starting to learn about _Prtcl.

[Frontend Dev Guide]: A developer guide of js-uprtcl, and its rockstar the Cortex Framework: a javascript framework for developing modular frontend applications that can handle multi-platform, multi-app and multi-structure Evees.

[API Reference]: The js-uprtl API reference. Useful once you are familiar with the tools and are looking for in-depth technical resources.

_Prtc Basic Documentation




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