A library to handle the wifi setup of new objects. Uses FlashEEPROM module to store variables.
Import "esp-wifi-manager.js" inside your project, then wrap your code in a function inside conn.
In the folder demo there is a modified version of ThingsSDK "Hello World" with Espruino WIFI Manager. The led will blink only after it is connected to the wifi access point.
import C from "./esp-wifi-manager.js"; //import the library
let isOn = false;
const interval = 500; // 500 milliseconds = 0.5 seconds
const LED=D2
function main() {
C(LED, ()=>{
setInterval(() => {
isOn = !isOn; // Flips the state on or off
digitalWrite(LED, isOn); // D2 is the blue LED on the ESP8266 boards
}, interval);
- After the first boot, the LED will turn on and the Espruino will create an access point called "espruino-wifi".
- Connect to it via your PC or mobile phone, go to and you will see a simple configuration page to enter the SSID and Password;
- Now the espruino will connect to the wifi, turn off the LED, save SSID and Password on Flash (position 0 and 1 of FlashEEPROM) and reboot.
- After the first setup, the espruino will try to connect to the saved SSID and call the callback if successfull. If there are some problems (e.g.: can't find the SSID) it will create again the espruino-wifi access point.
- Expose a method to reset connection
- Use default Wifi.save() to save SSID and Password instead of FlashEEPROM