Handle multi touch events inside your iOS applications.
If your Titanium SDK is installed in /Library/Application Support/Titanium:
./build.py && rm -Rf /Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/org.urish.titanium.multitouch/ && unzip org.urish.titanium.multitouch-iphone-1.2.zip -d /Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/
If your Titanium SDK is installed under your home directory:
./build.py && rm -Rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/org.urish.titanium.multitouch/ && unzip org.urish.titanium.multitouch-iphone-1.2.zip -d ~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/
If you have another Titanium Mobile SDK version, please change the value of the "TITANIUM_SDK_VERSION" property in titanium.xcconfig to match your installed version.
If you would rather not compile the module yourself, you can simply download a precompiled version. Precompiled versions are available here:
Precompiled version of the TiMultitouch module
- Add the multitouch module to your tiapp.xml: inside the
tag add the following line:<module version="1.2">org.urish.titanium.multitouch</module>
- Add the following code in the beginning of your app.js:
- To enable multitouch for a window or a view, add an empty event listener to the 'singletap' event (see example below).
- Now your touchstart/touchmove/touchend/touchcancel events will contain a new field: "points". This field is a dictionary with information about the active touches: the key is the id of the touch, and the value is an object with the following properties: 'x', 'y' and 'globalPoint'.
The TiMultiTouch module is used in the Zampoña iOS application. The application resembles a peruvian panflute and uses the TiMultiTouch to enable playing two or more notes simultaneously. You can get it for free from Zampona on iTunes.
win.multitouch = true;
win.addEventListener("touchstart", function(event) {
Ti.API.info("Touches started, points: " + JSON.stringify(event.points));
// Sample code for interating the points:
for (var pointName in event.points) {
Ti.API.info("Point " + pointName + " x=" + event.points[pointName].x
+ ", y=" + event.points[pointName].y);
// You can use the above for the other events as well (touchmove,
// touchend, touchcancel). Note that event.points is not an array,
// so you should iterate it like the example above, and not as an array.
win.addEventListener("touchmove", function(event) {
Ti.API.info("Touches moved, points: " + JSON.stringify(event.points));
win.addEventListener("touchend", function(event) {
Ti.API.info("Touches ended, points: " + JSON.stringify(event.points));
win.addEventListener("touchcanceled", function(event) {
Ti.API.info("Touches canceled, points: " + JSON.stringify(event.points));
For more info, please check app.js
MIT License
- 2011, 2012 Uri Shaked (urish)
- 2011 Jose Fernandez (magec) github.com/magec (small change and tested in 1.6.2)
- 2010 Yuchiro MASUI (masuidrive) masui@masuidrive.jp