OpenCV plugin for GlistEngine.
- GlistEngine
- Data set
Fork & clone this project into ~/dev/glist/glistplugins
- Windows developers should not forget to add
directory to the GlistApp project's PATH list. (Project->Properties->C/C++ Build->Environment->PATH)
- 2D and 3D feature toolkits
- Object detection
- Facial recognition system
- Human-computer interaction
- Add gipOpenCV into plugins of your GlistApp/CMakeLists.txt
- Include gipOpenCV.h in GameCanvas.h
- Right click gipOpenCV project on GlistEngine and select Properties -> C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include Paths -> GNU C++ -> Providers then enable 2 CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS If it still says "terminated" after execution;
- gipOpenCV project -> right click -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Environment -> PATH -> (add ;${workspace_loc}........\glistplugins\gipOpenCV\prebuilts\bin)
Makes the imported image binary.
Finds the locations of objects basd on the XML file put in.
Finds the locations of faces from image.
Draws squares on the image entered with locations taken from the location list.
Finds contours.
Detects the contour values of the uploaded image as integers.
Detects the text from uploaded image.
Updates the image that is detected from the cam matrix using its data.
Updates the image that is detected from the video as matrix using its data.
Assignes a number to the camera for easy access to videos.
Turns the data of the image to a matrix as its components and turns it to a color number.
Gets the video file by its path.