Plugin that can receive HTTP post request from bitbucket , gitlab y github(coming sooon), parse the json body, extract values using JSONPath & groovy and trigger a jenkins job with those values as job parameters.
When a event is triggered in your git repository manager (bitbucket, github, gitlab) or another platform, a jenkins job will be launched with following parameters:
parameters extracted from github, bitbucket or gitlab
- repositoryName
- branchName
- eventMessage
- authorId
- gitCloneUrlHttpsPrefix
- gitCloneUrlSshPrefix
any other http query parameters configured by you
- scmId
- jobId
- any other uri parameters sent to webhook (
- Java 8
- Maven
mvn clean package
If no error, you must see a file called easy-webhook-plugin.hpi in maven target folder.
You have 4 options to get this plugin:
- Download the last version from github releases :
- Download the .hpi file from jenkins official page(coming soon)
- Build the .hpi file from source code
- After success installation , go to Jenkins > Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Configure Easy WebHook Plugin
- Add the secret key and save. This value helps to hide and protect your public webhook url
That's all. You have a new public endpoint in your jenkins, ready to use as webhook in your git platform provider.
In order to test this plugin, we need a minimal jenkins job. Pipeline job is recommended.
node {
echo 'New build detected with this incoming parameters: '+params
For demo purposes, we will call hello_word_job to this job.
After a success installation and configuration you could have this scenario :
Parameter | Description | Example |
jenkins host | ip or public domain | or localhost:8080 |
easy webhook secret key | plugin configuration | 123456789 |
scmId | one of the well known scm: gitlab, bitbucket or github | gitlab |
jobId | name of any existent jenkins job | hello_word_job |
With the previous parameters, your webhook url will be:
In order to test this plugin, we will simulate a gitlab push event using curl.
For this test, we need a exact gitlab webhook json sample. Here an example
Download this json and save in some file like: /tmp/gitlab_webhook.json
I everything is good, you can exec this curl:
curl -d @/tmp/gitlab_webhook.json \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST ""
If you go to your jenkins home, you must see a new build execution in your hello_word_job job
If the previous test with curl worked, your webhook is ready to use :D in gitlab for example.
Create some git repository and add the following url as webhook for push events. Check this post to get a detailed guide for bitbucket, github and gitlab.
The url to register will be something like this:
Or if you want, add new http query parameter like notificationUsers¬
Finally, just push some change and go to your Jenkins to see the new build in progress :D
- Unit Tests
- github json path expressions
- Add to Jenkins official site
- Install from available plugins in Jenkins configurations (coming soon)
Thanks goes to these wonderful people :
Richard Leon |