Launch Naoqi locally
Launch ROS and NAO bridge replacing NAO_IP with the real IP address of the robot (in a new terminal)
roslaunch nao_kinect_teleop nao_bringup.launch nao_ip:=NAO_IP
Start sending joint (skeleton) values from the Kinect v2 (in another terminal). This needs to be launched from the kinect_v2 package to have acces to the NiTE features:
roscd kinect_v2 rosrun kinect_v2 pubSkeletonFixed
Wait until the skeleton is properly detected. Then enable the robot motors (in another terminal)
rosservice call /body_stiffness/enable
Start the NAO motion (in another terminal)
rosrun nao_kinect_teleop nao_teleop_arms_head
Ending the motion: To end the motion, first disable the NAO motors twice (or more times, if necessary, until the motors do not have any sound)
rosservice call /body_stiffness/disable
rosservice call /body_stiffness/disable
Then stop all the previous processes (using Ctrl+C
in each terminal). There
is currently an issue with thread running the kinect process and it needs to
be manually killed. To this end, go to the terminal used in step 3 and press
; then press Ctrl+Z
; then execute
kill %
There should be a message saying: [Number]+ Terminated.
Note: If you are using Terminator as a terminal emulator, you can split the terminal horizontally using CTRL+O
, and vertically using CTRL+E
. This is useful for the previous case since each command must be in its dedicated terminal.
The following teleoperates the arms and head of the NAO (as in the previous case) but, instead of using the real robot, it uses the simulation provided by naoqi.
Launch Naoqi locally
naoqi --broker-ip
Start ROS master, the NAO bridge and Rviz (in a different terminal)
roslaunch nao_kinect_teleop nao_bringup.launch nao_ip:=
Start sending joint (skeleton) values from the Kinect v2 (in another terminal)
roscd kinect_v2 rosrun kinect_v2 pubSkeletonFixed
Wait until the skeleton is properly detected. Then start the NAO motion (in another terminal)
rosrun nao_kinect_teleop nao_teleop_arms_head
Ending the motion: To end the motionstop all the previous processes
(using Ctrl+C
in each terminal). There is currently an issue with thread
running the kinect process and it needs to be manually killed as mentioned