UVaTRMM is an open source C implementation for distributed TRMM (Triangular Matrix-Matrix Multiplication). It leverages MPI to enable distributed memory executions.
Remark: By commodity clusters we mean small systems equipped with, at most, 40 nodes.
$ cd UVaTRMM
$ make all
- MKL (or equivalent, for TRMM and GEMM kernels)
- MPI (remember to properly link the chosen library)
** Remember to create the directory "exec" for the binaries generated during compilation
$ mpirun -np <NumberOfMPIProcesses> exec/uvatrmm.x <MatrixDimension> <reg/balanced> <boxes/trapezoid>
We provide ScaLAPACK GEMM and TRMM sample codes ready to be compiled and compared with our implementation.
Compile them with:
$ cd ScaLAPACK
$ make
Please download the SLATE latest version from its repository (https://github.com/icl-utk-edu/slate)
If you write a scientific paper describing research that makes substantive use of UVaTRMM, we would appreciate that you cite the following paper:
- Performance improvement of the triangular matrix product in commodity clusters
author = "Santamaria-Valenzuela, Inmaculada and Carratal{\'a}-S{\'a}ez, Roc{\'i}o and Torres, Yuri and Llanos, Diego R. and Gonzalez-Escribano, Arturo",
title="Performance improvement of the triangular matrix product in commodity clusters",
journal="The Journal of Supercomputing",
Paper link: https://rdcu.be/dIFn2