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Packer templates for building Vagrant base boxes


Getting Started

To build a base box

bundle install
packer build vagrant-base.json

Provision Scripts

Boxes are provisioned after install using Chef provisioning scripts and chef-solo.

We use Berkshelf to maintain our vendor cookbooks, located at chef/cookbooks/. To update vendor recipes, add a recipe to the Berksfile. Typically, you should not need to modify these cookbooks, unless you're adding a new cookbook from the Chef Supermarket.

cd chef/
vim Berksfile
berks vendor cookbooks

To update vendor cookbooks (ie. regenerating the Berksfile.lock file)

cd chef/
berks update

Then running the vendor command will fetch the latest versions of the books.

Our own cookbooks are stored in chef/uwmidsun-cookbooks/. Most likely, you'll want to modify the recipes here.