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DSSG 2020 Online disinformation classification project

Using Deep Learning to identify Disinformation news articles online

Websites that disseminate disinformation about coronavirus likely contribute to public harm by sowing confusion and distrust as well as preventing people from taking appropariate prevention measures or engagin gin dangerous fake treatment and cures, which could result in increased virus transmission, morbidity, and mortality worldwide.

Developing a method to identify disinformation sites could mitigate these harmful effects by allowing advertisers to not fund such sites. The purpose of this project is to develop an open-source natural language processing model that can accurately classify news articles according to their risk of containing disinformation about the coronavirus.

See project web page.


To run the code with your own data following pre-requisite should be met:

  1. Data must be present in form of a csv file at /data folder. The csv file must have three columns article_pk, article_text, and label. label is a binary column with value 1 if the article_text is disinformation and 0 if the article_text is legitimate. article_pk is a unique identifier for the article_text. article_text is a string column which contains the articles scraped from the websites. Each column is an article either disinformation or legitimate.

  2. You can also create an environment file in the dssg_disinfo folder (or same location as where the Dockerfile is present) . This environment file should have the following variables defined:


Here DATA_PATH is the location from where the data will be read. ALL_FEATURES_DATA should be the name of the csv file where the data is stored (present at DATA_PATH specified above). Currently, the file reads from a sample dataset whicha has 80 articles, 40 disinformation and 40 legitimate. In case you want to work with your own data, read Pre-requisite point 1. for more details on the required format for the data file.

  1. The output from the code will be saved in a /output folder in the current working directory. To read about the different types of outputs that are generated please read the Output section.


  1. Build the docker. $ docker build --tag nben/dssg-disinfo "$PWD"

  2. Run the docker. The following command will run the Dockerfile and save the outputs generated from the code inside /output folder. $ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/output:/output nben/dssg-disinfo


The following outputs are produced by the code:

  1. log file- A csv file is created for the best model (after hypertuning across a range of parameters) for all the epochs. The log contains epoch number, loss, validation loss, auc accuracy and auc accuracy for validation. The log file is saved in the /output folder.

  2. predict file- A csv file that stores the original label and the predicted label of the validation data. This predict file can be used for developing confusion matrix or for further analysis of the labels assigned by the model. The predict file is saved in the /output folder.

  3. article_pk file - A csv file that stores the article primary keys of the articles that were used in the validation data set. This file can be used in combination with predict file to identify which articles were incorrectly labelled for a further analysis. The article pk file is saved in the /output folder.

  4. Plots- Two .png plots are saved in the /output folder. One plot is showing loss for validation and testing data across the epochs and the other plot shows the auc accuracies for validation and testing data.

  5. Trained model - A .h5 file that stores the trained model. This model can be used to evaluate the performance of the model on new data. The model is saved in the /output folder.

Model Evaluation

NOTE This step can be done if there is a trained model present in the /output folder.

NOTE The csv file must have three columns article_pk, article_text, and label. label is a binary column with value 1 if the article_text is disinformation and 0 if the article_text is legitimate. article_pk is a unique identifier for the article_text. article_text is a string column which contains the articles scraped from the websites. Each column is an article either disinformation or legitimate.

If you want to evaluate the saved model for your own data you need to perform the following steps: Run $ ./ 'PATH/TO/YOUR/DATA.csv'